Jun 14, 2008 01:07
Less than an hour ago, my little sister texted me a few pictures of her and her beau out on a date. One of them showed them kissing. Of course, I squealed over how adorable they looked, and I passed on the sarcastic "Doesn't she know that's how you get pregnant?" message from my brother-in-law to her. I'd known that my little sister and her boyfriend kiss (and love doing so), but it still shocked me--in a heartwarming sort of way--to see her doing it. And she wants to stay in Spokane and go to a community college after her graduation next year just so that she can be near him during his last year of high school, helping him bear through all the crazy problems in his family.... It's one of those things that seems crazy in a mature sort of way to me. She's only sixteen, but I'm starting to realize that she's really becoming a woman. What a crazy idea--my baby sister growing up. :3
And on other subjects....
For some reason, I started thinking of the first time I saw Cloverfield. I remember feeling a bit irritated after it. I felt that I understood at least one point of it--"Don't take life and your loved ones for granted, stupid." And I thought the movie was really well-done, that it illustrated the point stunningly. But I felt irritated because I knew that J.J. Abrams had spent millions of dollars to make such a movie, and I still wasn't going to listen to it. While part of me agreed with the point that I got from it, part of me fiercely argued against it, and of course, it is that part that tends to win over for me. It's rather confusing in my mind, actually, all the devils and their advocates that like to wage little explosive nuclear wars across all the fat tendrils of my brain. Haha. What an image. XD *ahem*
Anyway, so I left that movie essentially unchanged. It's really too bad how many things go agreed with but remain unheeded. It's also too bad how many things go enjoyed without being understood, but although it's vaguely related to the subject, it's a separate enough rant to wait for another day (or, you know, late night).
*sigh* Growing baby sisters and artistic endeavors with morals. Life.
Sleeeeeeepy. XD