May 14, 2005 01:13
Tonight was soooo weird. Pat and I decided to trek up to Dartmouth to go see his friends, The Casino, play a show. WEELLL... easy said than done. We drive all the way up route 89 just fine, but then once we got off the exit, we were screwed. We clearly took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up driving down the scariest roads ever with really creepy barns. We were driving thru towns like Etna and Lyme... HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF LYME, NH?!?! We almost met our deaths at Goose Pond which is actually just a huge cliff. Then we started talking about Jesus... and sure enough, we ended up on the Dartmouth College Highway! Yes! Go Jesus! So anyway, we finally found the show which was cool. The guys in the band are really funny. After their set, we just decided to leave and not stay for the other acts, but as we were driving home we realized that if we had just kept going straight where we had taken a wrong turn, we would've drove right into the Dartmouth campus and avoided our deaths at Goose Pond. At that point, we realized tonight was one HUGE coincidence and decided that we would probably win the lottery. So we stopped and got some tickets and WON.... a dollar. But hey... we technically won :) yaaaay!
Last night, I went to the State Radio show with Ben and Sunish and ended up running into Callie (and her wicked cool mom!), Lisa, and Frank which was awesome. State Radio a really good show and we ended up talking to Chad and stuff after the show. I was a little star-struck because I think so highly of Chad and his music. It was hard not coming across really nerdy and nervous. So if you want a good time, GO SEE STATE RADIO... and if you want an even better time... GO WITH CALLIE'S MOM! hahah she is like best friends with the guys... it's awesome.
Tomorrow, I'm going to another show! Mike and his band Sincerely Yours is playing at the Paladium tomorrow morning/afternoon-ish. I'm pretty excited because I've never seen them perform and I'm interested to see their new singer and how their music sounds now. So it should be pretty cool!
Welp, gnight!