Front of the barn
Walking in thru the back doors
This manure thing is amazing. Its in a different room, built into the ground, and when you dump the wheelbarrel it carries the shit up and out into the manure spreader.
Arena... not quite finished yet
Bullpen..she shipped over special sand mixed w/ other stuff from Europe.. it was wayy expensive.. thats why its only in a small area. The most important area anyhow, lol.
This is in the lounge.. the stairs lead upstairs to Fay's Office, the bar, an area where a big screen tv & couches are gonna go, a game room, and a seperate mini appartment which is where the clients (like me) are gonna stay. In the actual lounge area there is a big fireplace, viewing area looking into the area, more bathrooms & debbie's office.
The hayloft.. all those big silver tubing is a special air filtration system which cleans the air every 15 mins.. so the barn doesn't smell like a barn..
There are also trap doors over every 2 stalls where you can throw the hay down, and they are built a few inches off the floor so you don't fall in
The tack room was huge and looked like a small appartment.. the groom area & wash racks have non slip rubber maps. There are tons of windows that make the barn light up.. the stalls are huge & the horses have cushion mats under the shavings, a window area to see the horse next door, stainless steel water & grain buckets mounted to the wall.
Jada w/ Debbie & Tyler's new puppy
Look at Jada's ears..haha
Tyler's appartment was nice too. The place is gorgeous, I can't wait to go down there this show season..