Eternal nothingness is OK if you're dressed for it

Dec 02, 2008 22:35

И ко вчерашнему дню рождения автора, и Лене к экзамену по философии и чтобы развеселить, и Пашке, потому что он любит Аллена-писателя, и вообще. Хотя, честно признаться, я к его фанатам не отношусь - его юмор (и в печатной, и в экранной форме) часто кажется мне вульгарным и off the point, и я никак не могу примирить с этим ощущением его репутацию великого интеллектуала.

Итак, Лена
Вопрос № 5. Древнегреческая философия. Разработка основных философских проблем.
"I am given a message to deliver to a general. I ride and ride, but the general's headquarters seem to get farther and farther away. Finally, a giant black panther leaps upon me and devours my mind and heart. This puts a terrific crimp in my evening. No matter how hard I try, I cannot catch the general, whom I see running in the distance in his shorts and whispering the word "nutmeg" to his enemies."
(My Philosophy)

Вопрос № 17. Философия XX в. Проблема бессознательного в учениях Фрейда и Юнга.
"...Freud had her to his office for a series of analytic sessions, but something went amiss and istead of achieving transferrence to Freud, she achieved transference to his coat tree, a tall wooden piece of furniture across the room. Freud became panicky, as in those days phychoanalysis was regarded sceptically, and when the girl ran off on a cruise with the coat tree Freud swore he'd never practice again. Indeed, for a while, he toyed seriously with the idea of becoming an acrobat, until Ferenczi convinced him he'd never learn to tumble very well."
(Conversations with Helmholtz)

(Therefore the Cartesian dictum "I think, therefore I am" might be better expressed "Hey, there goes Edna with a saxophone!")
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