I think youre off your head!

May 22, 2005 01:53

So, basically, I have been working like a slave shop worker and making about the same amount of money. I have worked two-seven day work weeks and made the same ammount as one. This is rediculous, but it goes in waves. I have been doing alot of research into XM satellite radio and I have come to the conclusion that I want it as well as my Sirius. Speaking of, Girls Aloud were just on XM, I got the online sample to see if I like it and I do. They have a channel that is dedicated to world pop!!! I need both, so I have been looking on ebay for a tuner so, we will see where I am in a week. I have yet to get the room for my b-day, I need to get it together. Its only 20 more days, it doesnt seem like its going by slow, but I am sure that it will change soon. I set up the thirty gallon tank with fish that are closely related to parahna a frog and tire track eel. I am gonna get more fish but all my tanks look really good and each of them totally different. Like I said - working alot so, not much else going on - later...
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