Happy New Year, folks! And happy birthday, Justen!
I had a nice Christmas. My parents and brother Tony were down. We spent a lot of time at Dylan and Tasha's place, and at Clem's parents'. Clem's parents even came over to my brother's for Christmas dinner - intermingling!
My dad spoiled me with a macro lens for my new Canon, so I've been playing with that a bit. Loooove it! I'm getting more excited to shoot my cousin
wenchlette's wedding in Newfoundland this summer. I'm hoping to refresh myself on manual settings, as I've been mostly shooting in automatic over the past few years. I used to shoot in manual a lot more with my film camera back in the day.
Good news: I have a new roommate! His name is Sam. He's originally from India, and has been in Halifax/Toronto for the past seven years before coming here for work. Clem and I picked him up from the airport on Saturday. My intent was to suck up to him so he would want to stay here, as he had one other place to look at yesterday. ;) It worked, since he gave the official word that he'd be staying today! Yaaay!
I plan to continue my job hunt this week. Hopefully, with the holidays over, people will be looking. Fingers (still) crossed! At least my job is secure in the meantime.
A few new year's resolutions:
- find a new roommate
- find a new job
- save money
- complete TESOL correspondence
- start looking into teaching in Japan
- eat better/work out
- be more organised
- no more design freebies (not just for financial reasons, but to start getting more comfortable with the financial aspect of freelance - how much to ask, how to approach it, etc)
- read more
In regards to the last bullet: I love reading, but have really been lazy with it for a number of years now. The 50 Book Challenge is beyond my reach (even if I read every day, I've always been a very slow reader) so I have decided this year to aim for 20. I am currently reading The Count of Monte Cristo.
As for teaching overseas, I need to save money, so that's why the job hunt/savings is priority right now. I still hope to make this goal a reality. In between the few design projects I have lined up this year, I hope to focus on the TESOL correspondence that I have waiting for me. Two courses have been paid for, I just need to request the package, and then I have a year from the request date to complete it.
I am almost finished my first design project of the year: seven caricatures of journalists for an Edmonton Journal Facebook quiz. My name was given to the Journal by David, who works there. I met David when he was performing in
justen's Fringe show, Addition, and David has also asked me to do the design work for his Fringe show this summer!
Things are off to a good start this year!