I'd like to point out to Adam and anyone who may of been skeptical of the Oilers...
Fuck, boo yah, whoop, IN YOUR FACE Anaheim!!
Oh man... what a crazy intense game...
The games have been following the same pattern. Good start in the first period, uneventful in the second, and then BAM! Third period, where anything can happen! We went into the third period 1-0, and left it with a nerve-wracking win of 5-4! Tonight's game was the first time I can admit to screaming at the TV for the whole duration of the game while watching it by myself.
The possibility of a sweep this round is more than plausible. As long as the intensity of their wins don't get the better of them, the Stanley Cup could very well be coming home. I was nervous at the start of their game tonight because of all the intense fights. It was like watching fighters blind with rage trying to skate coherently. Then, so effortlessly, they switched to such a smooth, confident game in the second and first half of the third. It was like watching Fry after his 100th cup of coffee. You know that they're moving fast, but it felt so fluid and delicate. (What an odd way to describe an Oilers hockey game, heh.) A bit of panic rose when the Ducks scored three goals, but they kept their cool, and the audience never lost their faith.
adams_eve: We have to watch Thursday's game together! Oh man, can you imagine if we win it?? And hell, even if we don't... we only need to win one more game within the next four games to ensure we go to the finals!!! Fuck yeah!
I'm going to see if Andrzej and Cory want to join us on Whyte. Or if it's way too crowded by the time 5:00pm rolls around, at least we can go to the Highrun Sports Bar across from work.
I'm going to finish my wine, hang up my wash to dry, and try to calm down. I feel like running outside and screaming: