Haha that sounds so cheesy right? But it is true, I officially announced to this anonymous blog that I got a new job! After 4 freaking interviews, gosh…. I was not confident that I will get it, to be honest. I do believe in my own ability, but then it is a very competitive spot and it’s not like I have a pretties face or figure, and they do have applicants who graduated oversees like me also, I’m sure. But God DID reply to my prayer, He was the one who give me strength in those interview. I don’t know how it will be going yet, just pray that everything will be fine. First I have to pass the 2 months probation and the few weeks will be quite scary, getting used to the environment and get to know the people… I just hope we “click” with each other and we can make a good team. I have heard a lot of bad reputation in terms of human resource about this hotel, but it does worth a try. After all, it’s one of the best hotels in my city. The interviews were surprisingly short, and the questions were not very difficult to answer. The wait was long though… EVERYTIME I had a scheduled interview with them, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS have to wait at least 30 mins! Crazy eh… And the most ridiculous thing is… I DID NOT know my salary yet, how stupid does that sound?? ? My co-worker seniors at the old job said I was way too ignorant not to negotiate about the salary first… Le sigh… Guess they are right… But then I don’t want to tell them my salary, it’s very personal and sensitive, seriously… I still believe in American thinkings that how much you get paid is your OWN business and people need to respect ur privacy on that subject. Too bad I live in a culture that believes salary is something you can shared freely +____= Fml
Even though getting the new job, and has an official position is a wonderful thing, I can’t help but feels sentimental over the old job. After all, I spent like 7 months getting to know them, we shared most of the things together, we were a very good team and everyone was on good terms with one another. I will miss all the silly jokes between us, all the gossips and drama, all the time we cursed those stupid bookers who act like they know everything, all the extra hours we spent when we were busy with only 5 people and even the bad times when we made mistakes. Too many memories. If I have been diligent with this blog and wrote down everything happened in the day, then it will be quite meaningful to reread it now. Too bad I kinda abandoned my blog, ah well…. But at the end, even the pay is real shitty and the job can be quite stressful and super busy, if it was not for this job, I would never ever get the new one. So I’m thankful for everything I have learned and all the experience gained from it, and who knows, maybe I will come back to that hotel in a much higher position…? Everything could happen, you just never know….