Title: Speed of Falling
Fandom: STXI
Pairing: Spork!
Rating: PG (I think...)
Summary: "He's going 125 miles per hour and the wind is whipping so hard around his ears, he screams just to be able to hear himself."
Notes: Heh, this came out of nowhere.
Speed of Falling )
There is one teeny tiny thing that threw me out of the reading pleasure of this fic for a moment or two, and that is when you gave us an omniscient storyteller, an I-perspective where the rest of the narrative was given as an impersonal 'he'-structure (which I think works best for these kinds of fics anyway). Might just be me, but I find it jarring when a storyteller unexpectedly and unnecessarily breaks the fourth wall and out of the blue addresses his or her readers with a half-sentence like 'but I digress'. You did manage to recapture me immediately and I didn't remain thrown out of the fic for very long ;)
And yes, I have to agree with you about that bit about the perspective. I didn't really realise that bump in rhythm was bonking my head when you mentioned it, lol. Imma gonna go and fix it now.
Thanks for the honest feedback!
I'm glad you enjoyed my feedback and my little bit of concrit didn't rub you the wrong way. :) I really wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your writing, and it would have sucked had this added comment ruined the warm fuzzies I was throwing your way ;)
And drawn spock is by smartass89. Her Pinto/Spork fanart have been taking over lately, lol! And yay for another Jimmy Marsden fangirl! He deserves more love <3
And yes, James Marsden definitely deserves all the love he can get :)
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