Pairing Talk

Jan 06, 2013 00:57

Hmmm I suddenly feel like analyzing the 9/10kies and the possible CPs in this new setup. I must first admit that, yes, I'm a shipper, but other than the Everyone Is Possibly Gay goggles I have on, I am fairly sedate compared to some rabid shippers. Yes, it's an oxymoron, but hey, I am logical about my pairings ok? Haha. Somewhat, anyway.

Naturally, as I am a Riho-wota, most of my pairings tend to center around her (obviously). I first wrote SayaSuzu (non-romantic) because I felt like they would no doubt be the new best friend combination, and I'm sure in a couple of years I'll be flooded with SayaSuzu and IshiDuu (or MaaDuu) fics. Not to mention PonPon. I predict these will be the popular pairings once the fandom has warmed up to the new kids. It's disgustingly predictable because I know how their minds work...the other fanfic writers I mean. *shakes head* I don't really want to talk about that now though.

SayaSuzu...I love how they're best friends. But Kanon's life doesn't revolve around Riho, and she is arguably closer to Fukuchan, Eripon, and Ayumi. Riho trusts Kanon implicitly, and Kanon is one of the few people who can draw Riho out of her shell, but other than them being all yay best friends and being cute as puppies playing together, I can't really envision them as a pairing. I will likely write many platonic scenes of them together because that's how they work best together. It might change in the future, but we won't know until it happens, but I personally feel no spark to pair them in fic.

Speaking of popular pairings, IshiDuu is one of the "hot" pairings I have observed so far. It's easy to figure out why they're popular as a CP. Firstly, Duu and Ayumi are both extremely headstrong and often butt heads, but it's also evident that they are actually on really good terms. Based on the Foe Yay dynamic, any newbie writer can dash off IshiDuu (while bullying Ayumi to the hilt in the process...we love you Ayu, but you're just too much fun to pick on!). Plus they have enough fun tidbits to justify the pairing, such as Ayumi confessing to going all doki-doki at Duu's post-shower look. It's a fun, dynamic pairing that has a lot of potential, both comedic and dramatic (lol, the drama comes from Ayumi being 2 years older...which matters a lot when they're still this young).

The other Duu pairing, MaaDuu, is just freakishly adorable because Maachan is fricking adorable. Seriously, that girl. Yes, everyone is glomped by Maachan, but Maachan has a special affection for Duu, and Duu also reserves her most scathing remarks for Maachan. "No, you can't call me Haru." "Whyyyyyy?" "Even if everyone else did, I still won't let you call me Haru." Lmfao. Yet despite the RAWR attitude Duu adopts against Maachan, Duu also happens to be the one who automatically watches out for Maachan (well, everyone in 10th gen automatically takes care of Maachan. It's like a full time job). So despite the antagonism, Duu actually cares. Haha. Plus Maachan is extremely attached to her (and to Riho, but with Riho it certainly feels more sibling-like). It'll be an interesting triangle for IshiDuuMaa in the future, I expect.

Hm, other Riho pairings. The next pairing I warmed up to was FukuSaya, which mostly was based on Riho's obsession with Fukuchan's skin. XD That famous clip where Riho started ranting about Fukuchan might have been the cause of this. XD It also helps that Fukuchan is Sayu-lite in a sense, and since I've come to the conclusion that Riho prefers older girls (long story XD), Fukuchan seems like the right type that Riho would totally have a crush on.

Unfortunately, the more I study them together, I can't help but conclude that Fukuchan sees Riho as a cute little sister. Riho will likely be doomed to kataomoi forever, especially since Fukuchan has other options (like Eripon, or Takechan, both of whom have more romantic potential with her). It's slightly depressing to come to this conclusion, but oh well. XD Interesting thoughts nevertheless.

Let's have a look at Fukuchan for a moment. Pairing-wise she is often defaulted to Eripon due to their infamous PonPon combi, and I would never deny that they look perfect together. Seriously, they look criminally good together. Fukuchan is gorgeous, and Eripon is too. They are visually appealing, and it's apparent that they are close. Plus, they can bond over their shared wota-ism. XD Other possibilities include Ayumi, whom Fukuchan is obsessed with (see: backstage Stacy's rant where Fukuchan spazzed over Ayumi's cuteness). Takechan is a possibility, but they give off a more BFF feel than anything else. A rare and often overlooked option is Duu, but a 3 year age gap at this stage is still a little squicky for me. Apart from that, former Egg bonds appear to be a factor often forgotten. Hm, I should factor that in for the future.

As for Iikubo...well, what to say, she's practically married to Ayacho. XD They are basically my headcanon now (see clip), and I am not quite inclined to pair Iikubo with anyone else. Except maybe Ayumi or Fukuchan, but that's partly because those two are pairable with practically everyone. I kid you not.

Speaking of pairable...Ayumi and Fukuchan really are very versatile. You can technically pair Fukuchan with every single person in 9th gen, and everyone except Maachan in 10th. She even has out-of-MM possibilities with Takechan, for example. It certainly helps that she's dropdead gorgeous, and her personality is so much of a blank slate that you can do practically anything you want.

Ayumi, well, let's just say she'll always be the girl. Always. She is like, the epitome of what one would look for in a girlfriend. It's hard to, explain, but she just has this quality where you want to protect her (and pick on her XD). Even Fukuchan wants to be her boyfriend, which is saying A LOT, because Fukuchan is about as girly as they come (if you discount her otaku side XD). Ayumi is pairable with everyone in 10th gen, and everyone but Eripon in 9th. Her out-of-MM possibilities haven't manifested themselves yet, but we'll see. Fukuchan does have the advantage of being a former Egg, so she had the chance to interact with other H!P members beforehand.

You know, for a self-confessed Riho-wota I sure haven't spent much time talking about her pairings. And for the ones I've already discussed, I've pretty much shot them down as well. What to say about Riho? I don't really see her as pairing material, to be frank. For one thing, she seems to be very career-first in her outlook, so that's one strike against her. Secondly...Riho doesn't give her affections easily. She is close to her 9th gen mates, and Kanon is the one who can get to her any time, but Riho is a very closed off individual. She only really lets herself go slightly crazy when she's on her own, or with Kanon, or on a post-concert high. She is often too serious with the others, although her senpai have mentioned that on occasion, her childish side comes out unexpectedly. She's been getting better at opening up (part of the job XD), but I can still see her as being aloof, especially to people she doesn't know very well. It's not even intentional on her part, but the fact that she prefers to sit back and watch instead of participating says a lot about her personality. It's easy for me to feel kinship with her in this

On a slight diversion, Eripon is like the exact opposite. KY, outgoing, sociable and can talk to anyone about anything. Riho has often said that she was jealous of the way Eripon could just instantly click with anyone and speak her mind no matter what. I guess that's part of the reason why Japanese fans love pairing Eripon with Riho as well. XD Personality-wise they are essentially polar opposites, and the dynamic they share has very interesting implications. It's worth exploring some day.

So what other possibilities does Riho have, CP-wise? I acknowledge the viability of Eripon, though it would take a careful hand to do it right, and it would certainly not be easy. Opposites might attract, but getting them to work on staying together is quite another cup of tea altogether. I'm ambivalent about FukuSaya, because it would take a lot of work to make them work out...or at least, to get Fukuchan to perceive Riho as an option. Once that hurdle is crossed, they are pretty compatible so it's not that much of a challenge. Especially since Fukuchan already enjoys indulging in skinship with Riho...I still found her taunt at Riho-wota in her handshake line incredibly hilarious ("Why do you keep kissing Riho-chan? D:" "Why, are you jealous?"). That vixen. XD

I personally find that Duu and Riho have a working friendship. I can see them becoming best friends of a different kind, something quite unlike the BFFness Riho already shares with Kanon. Duu is by nature more adversarial, but they click somehow, despite them being extremely different. I like how Riho mentioned on her radio show that even though she and Duu didn't have much in common, they were always able to have serious conversations. I can see them being the type to have serious talk about work, life, and other things in general. It works out in a special kind of way. XD Duu will be that one friend for Riho, with whom she can discuss her concerns and more complicated worries with without fear of being exposed. XD Somewhere deep in my head too, I have this mental image of Duu and Riho being boys at a bar, talking shit about the girls in their life. I know, I'm weird lmao.

Maachan and Riho are basically sisters. XD It's incredibly adorable how Maachan is all "Sayashi-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" and then proceeds to glomp her. And generally invading Riho's personal space with impunity. Personal space is irrelevant where Maachan is concerned, considering how she operates on her own plane of reality. XD One thing I've observed is that Riho doesn't show physical affection as often or as easily as the others. She initiates it rarely and only with a few people, even though she does allow other people to come hug her. She's extremely passive when it comes to demonstrating her personal feelings, but she certainly is blunt enough when it comes to work-related issues (her correcting Sakura in a dance lesson...extremely badass). It goes with my assessment of Riho being a very reserved person in general, although her childish side comes out to play on occasion.

Speaking of people who Riho initiate affectionate contact with, that would be mostly Kanon and Fukuchan. She trusts them most, I am inclined to think. She will not reject other people hugging her, but she won't initiate them unless given reason to do so, or so I am inclined to believe. On that note, I find it amusing that in DVD Mag 46, Riho actually flinches when Ayumi invades her personal space on 2 separate occasions, which kind of semi-feeds my SayaIshi CP meter, because I don't see Riho having any problem with Duu and Maachan dogpiling her earlier in the video. Being too conscious of someone WILL make you naturally avoid that person in some cases. XD Of course, that's a personal judgement since I tend to do that with the people I am conscious, ignoring them or being offhandedly scathing, if only to hide how I really feel. Geez, I'm messed up. XD

And finally, SayaIshi. Yes, I admit I have developed a soft spot for this pairing. I blame it on the fact that they are like the natural successor to my previous OTP, ReinAi. XD Riho and Ayumi are nothing like Reina and Ai (unless you count Riho being like a hybrid of Reina AND Ai, but that's a personal theory of mine XD), but the whole rivalry from Ayumi's side is interesting. On one hand, Riho is younger than her, but is also her senpai, and since both of them are good at dancing, it is natural for Ayumi to start off feeling a sense of rivalry towards Riho. She even says so in an interview, that she absolutely hates losing, and that she especially didn't want to lose at her speciality, even to a senpai (especially when said senpai is younger than her XD). But in that same interview, Ayumi also admits that after working with Sayashi for a while, she has come to realize the huge gulf in skill level between them. She actually admits that Riho is better than her, and even though it kinda makes her sad, she has come to admire and respect Sayashi in dance, and that she will strive to learn from, and eventually work to surpass Riho. The grudging respect part is very moe to me somehow. XD So much potential in this one little thing alone, not to mention other things I could work with, like Riho's fetish for Ayumi's lips. XD And the fact that Riho is definitely watching Ayumi during their dance lessons (source is Riho Deli, where Riho says that Ayumi has a very nice muscular structure from her dancing XD).

I like how part of Riho's personality is that she considers herself to be her greatest rival. On one hand, you could interpret that as her being arrogant and not giving anyone else the time of the day, but my personal interpretation leans more towards how she is extremely focused on improving her strengths and minimizing her weaknesses (FYI, Natsu-sensei said pretty much the same thing about Sayashi in the Hello Channel mook, so I have a second opinion backing me, so to speak), so in her mind she isn't trying to pit herself against someone else, she's trying to become better at what she can do. She has no absolute standard to hold herself against, and will keep aiming to better herself. That's why she doesn't consider anyone else her rival specifically, only that she needs to continue improvng. Of course, this outlook as I have mentioned earlier can easily be misinterpreted as arrogance, so I can imagine it would really piss Ayumi off that Riho doesn't consider her a rival. XD What? I like Foe Yay too. XD

In my head, Sayashi might be interested in Ayumi, but is a bit shy about approaching her, hence the slight standoffishness at first. I think she has gotten over it by now though. XD Ayumi still has slight Foe feelings towards Sayashi, but it's also tempered with respect and admiration. The wariness between the two is fertile ground for someone like me, especially since I can see threads with which to pull them closer. Duu, for example, can help bridge the gap, however inadvertently. Maachan too. Even Kanon is an interesting option...I actually have an inkling how that could happen. I can even use PonPon to my advantage if I really wanted to. XD I guess this is a classic case of Author Manipulation. I never settle on the easy or obvious pairings. Yes, in some ways SayaIshi is easy and obvious to put together, given Riho's lip fetish, and Foe Yay is the easiest dynamic to work with, second maybe only to the best friend to lovers dynamic. But I've read a bunch of Japanese SayaIshi fics, and while they amuse me a great deal, I wouldn't call them great by any stretch of the word. I learned a lot about fan perception and other subtle things involved, but I decided after a while that I wasn't quite satisfied with the stereotypes that a lot of SayaIshi writers tend to plunk them into.

Type 1 SayaIshi has Riho being the aggressor, shamelessly chasing down a reluctant Ayumi who is having guilty "I can't be attracted to a jailbait gasp" feelings. It's fun to read though, I must admit. XD This is the mainstay of most SayaIshi fics.

Type 2 SayaIshi is rarer, with Ayumi being the coy temptress...though perhaps temptress is too blatant a word. Type 2 Ayumi baits Sayashi mercilessly, playing on the fact that she is aware of Sayashi being interested in her, although the Sayashi in Type 2 fic is more innocent, more shy, and more uncertain...more true to her actual age. This is an uncommon dynamic, but I've seen it a couple of times. I actually really enjoy the Ayumi in Type 2 SayaIshi, because I love how they let her switch between calling Riho "Sayashi-san" and "Riho-chan" and also modulating her tone and form of address (keigo vs casual) to get a rise out of Sayashi. Besides, a Riho who isn't in perfect control of herself isn't common, so it's interesting to see. The only real problem I see with Type 2 fic is that both Ayumi and Riho are a bit OOC in reverse, because Ayumi becomes too aware, and Riho too dense and not in control of herself.

Contrast with Type 1, where the existing traits of Riho and Ayumi are played up and exaggerated. Riho is almost too much in control, too aware even for her age, and in some cases more aggressive than I can logically see her being. Ayumi, on the other hand, becomes way too timid, gets cornered too often, and is often frustrated to the point of insanity (which is the fun part, I admit XD). The Riho being a perv thing is also played to the hilt, and Ayumi often becomes too submissive after a certain point. It's good fun, but after a few times I got a bit....dissatisfied? It could be more. I can do better, somehow.

Of course, I would marry elements of Type 2 with classic Type 1 traits, I have actually seen one fic that broke the mold most convincingly, taking the best out of the two types of SayaIshi I have mentioned, and grounding it with a lot of little character details that felt like a very nice touch to their relationship. That was hands down one of the better ones I have read so far, character development-wise. In case anyone is interested and can read Japanese, here's the link.

Alright, SayaIshi aside, let's devote a section to the new member, Sakura. I know next to nothing about her, I confess. We only have seen and heard a few times from her, so it's difficult to judge her. She's talented, that's for sure, and I like her as a performer, but I haven't gotten to know her as an idol, so it's hard to really like her right off the bat. I am inclined to like her if only because she is a strong singer, but watching that Satoyama episode where they did a showcase of her gave me a semi-bad first impression of sorts, character-wise. Well, not bad as in unlikable, but she makes me wary the way I am always wary of Eri. Yes, I am wary of Kamei Eri, as a character. I love her to bits and often write her in a fun way, but part of me is wary of her. I can't explain why without sounding totally paranoid, but suffice to say that to me, she has a part of her hidden away that makes me stay on guard. Sakura is giving me similar vibes, but more in the sense that she's lying in wait for something, as opposed to actively calculating, but I can't be sure. Riho's report on her in Riho Deli helped to mitigate those feelings, and I admit that I need to find out more before pigeonholing her into any categories. Riho basically says that even though Sakura has a very cool, untouchable image, the reality is that Sakura is very physically affectionate and likes clinging on to Riho randomly for no more reason than because she wanted to. It amuses me that Riho is like "while it's very cute, I wish she didn't do it so often :S". Sakura also apparently likes making conversation according to Riho, because Riho was like "I normally sleep on the shinkansen, but Sakura kept talking to me until I got drawn into the conversation". Lol, naturally this pings my radar, and I subconsciously labelled Sakura as seeking Riho's attention. Which is a bit baffling, considering how strict Riho is about correcting her in rehearsals. One interpretation would be that Sakura is impressed by Riho and wants to get to know her better. The other, paranoia-infused interpretation is more along the lines of "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".

Riho, as center, is induitably viewed as everyone's rival. I don't doubt Sakura would seek to replace Riho in the center spot, and I know several fans (who think Riho doesn't deserve the attention she's getting) would happily see Riho get kicked out of the spotlight, but I've come to the point that I don't even care whether or not someone deserves the spotlight. Of course it's unfair that one, or only a few people, get more attention than the others. But life is unfair. Riho was chosen by the company to be the next ace (oh how I hate this term), and yes she has many faults still, but I like her for her, and am happy to see her working her arse off to prove herself worthy of the task. She has made a great deal of improvement compared to the state she started in, and she can and will only get better. Sure, she's not a singing prodigy, but not all of us can be that gifted. I appreciate her hard work and effort, and I like her the way she is, smug cat face and all. Do I think she is perfect? No. Do I think she's the best choice to be the next face of the group? Yes, she actually is a fairly solid choice. Not the best or most perfect candidate, but a solid choice in light of the possibilities at that point. Fukuchan would have been a good choice if only she were less diffident and more willing to put herself out there, but one thing Riho has that Fukuchan doesn't is that when you throw Riho into the sea, she starts swimming. Dog paddling if she's not good at whatever she just got thrown into, but she is always pretty game for anything the agency likes to dump in her lap. I mean, geez, the kid was fricking 13 when they gave her a photobook. Risako aside, Riho was barely in the group for a year at that point. She was essentially a noob, and they just threw her to the sharks. But Riho just squared her shoulders and did it. The kid is tough. That's the overwhelming sense I get from her. That she's willing to throw down, push up her sleeves, and get her hands dirty to get the job done. I actually really respect her work ethic and professionalism. She has come a long way from when she first joined, where she was mostly self-centered until Ai basically scolded her out of it, telling her that as part of a group, she has to ensure that everyone in the group was doing well, not just focus on her own performance. And look where she is now. Even Sayu thinks that she sees shades of Aichan in Riho, in the way Riho is very conscious of everyone else in the group, and takes time to guide those who are having trouble. Some people might call her presumptuous or even arrogant (this is a very common perception with regards to Riho XD), but I think "why the hell not?". She is good at dancing, she has the right to correct others if she is better, and she should contribute what she can, where she can. That's what makes a group strong, not a collection of talented individuals who only focus on themselves and not share what they know. As Reina mentioned before, it is the role of senpai to point out mistakes where they spot them, and work on making sure no one is left behind. That's what makes Morning Musume.

And wow, I always get very passionate when I talk about Riho. XD I guess I'm just tired of all the bashing and hate she gets. I'm also tired of anyone who likes Riho being pigeonholed as someone who can only see rainbows and sunshine in the girl. I am fully aware of Riho's flaws, but I like her anyway. I can still be objective about her even if she is my favourite, though naturally I will be more lenient on her, more forgiving for when she makes mistakes. But I won't deny she makes mistakes. I won't say she's perfect, because she isn't. But I like her. That's all I have to say for myself. Haha.

And geez this has really been long. Oh right, getting semi back on topic, I think it might be a possibility to cross Sakura with Riho, or use Sakura as a device for SayaIshi. Yes....clearly I have chosen my OTP. XD


morning musume

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