Aug 10, 2007 02:26
Watched Code Geass. It was awesome. Can't wait for season 2.
Obviously, I like Lelouch. A lot. XD Hey, I liked Light/Raito from Death Note, it's not surprising that I like him as well. They have the same kind of personality, manipulating people like pawns across a chessboard, in order to achieve their goal. Their goals, in a way, can be considered selfish, although if you really had to compare, Lelouch appears to be more justifiable than Light, since the latter develops a serious case of bloated egotism that borders on almost insane arrogance, which would prove to be his downfall.
Lelouch, manipulative and seemingly amoral with his actions, doesn't change as much since his primary goal remains to protect his sister, and he would abandon his troops if his sister were to be in danger. Not very responsible for a commander, but it proves his humanity more than anything else. Yes, he is selfish and self-serving, but it is simply his desires as a human, no matter how self-centered.
Conversely, Light succumbs to his own propaganda of his apparent deification, and falls into the trap his own ego laid for him, outwitting even his extreme intelligence. Arrogance, pride before a downfall, eh?
I'm not saying Lelouch is really any better, since his methods are truly questionable, although his motive is in a way commendable. But I can just as easily say that Light used to have a commendable motive, but his delusions of grandeur, coupled with his growing sense of his own invincibility, was a major factor to his eventual demise. Considering Code Geass ends in a cliffhanger for the first season, we are left waiting to see the true consequences of the unraveling. What will happen next? That is the question.
It makes me wonder why I'm always so fascinated by amoral characters. Kindred spirits, in a sense. What would I have done, if I had the power of Geass? Probably use it to my own advantage. I wouldn't seek to change the world, merely to live in it. I have no noble ambitions to make the world a better place. I am, above all else, very interested in my own self.
Would I kill with a Death Note? Yes, I would, but not senselessly. Things that would be to my benefit, perhaps. But killing isn't always the best option, I've discovered. Death is permanent and irreversible, and sometimes that latter condition can be inconvenient. I would definitely prefer Lelouch's version of the power of Geass. Mao's version is a bit scarier, but in a way, I wouldn't mind either. Either way though, Geass is definitely preferable. It's a good thing it doesn't exist in the real world, the consequences would be too much for anyone to bear such an ability.
Leaving that aside, pairings-wise I'm rather amused. All kinds of fans will find their own favored pairings. From the numerous possible straight couples, to the occasional yuri possibilities, and not to mention yaoi, which I have no doubt that the rabid fangirls have wasted no time pairing Lelouch and Suzaku together.
There are way too many possible straight couples (and I truly do not mind, I love a good romance, no matter what type), so I'll just cover the main ones (aka the ones surrounding Lelouch). There's C.C x Lelouch, Shirley x Lelouch, Karren x Lelouch, and dare I say it, Nunally x Lelouch (yes I know, long shot and plus they're siblings....>_>). For Suzaku, he's obviously paired with Euphie. XD No ifs and buts about that.
As for yuri possibilities, the main culprit is evidently Nina with her futile crush on Euphie. XD The other, less obvious possibility is probably Millay Ashford, student council president who pinged my gaydar in the first few episodes. XD Her preferences are not explicitly stated, but I have a feeling she's not as interested in boys. Who knows?
And last but not least, yaoi. Oh yaoi, bane of my life because it's simply EVERYWHERE. I have no problem with the concept itself, I just take offense to how pervasive it is. Oh well, can't fight the tide. Main causes of yaoi in Code Geass? I knew it was going to happen. I knew it the moment Suzaku showed up as that White Knight. A quick peek into FFnet confirmed my suspicions.....the yaoi fanbase paired Suzaku up with Lelouch. You knew it was coming. XD
At least half the fics in FFnet for Geass in yaoi, and a vast majority being Suzaku x Lelouch. Sigh. It makes very little sense. Suzaku loves Euphie. I know yaoi fangirls overuse the "I hate you and I love you" cliche way too often. Yes, Suzaku and Lelouch were childhood friends. Lelouch admits that Suzaku was his first real friend. They value each other a lot. But Suzaku isn't gay. I'm a bit less sure about Lelouch, since I never really know what he's thinking about other than his plans for his goals. Why do they persist in pairing those two up? Oh right, because they look hot together. That much I will concede.
And I suppose considering my yuri pairings....wait, at least most of mine have been logical. Shiznat is obvious, there's a definite base to work on, Shizuru is madly in love with Natsuki, and Natsuki has the potential, she does value Shizuru a lot, so it could happen. I support Minako/Rei in PGSM, since anyone with eyes can tell you about the subtext between the two, especially if you know what you're looking for. XD Haruka and Michiru in BSSM is a foregone conclusion, when the mangaka says they're a couple, it's canon. XD
I could name more, but the vast majority of the yuri pairings I support make sense, as in, they are devoted to each other, and they have no interest in any possible male suitors. So far, as far as I can remember, most of my favorite yuri couples meet that standard. Heck, even the crack pairings (yeah, the WTF impossible types, just for fun) usually happen to meet that standard too. Well, except for the being devoted to each other part. Half the time my crack pairings hate each other, or don't really know each other that much. Examples? ShizNao. XD Juri/Kozue from Utena. What, it could happen! XD Though strictly speaking Kozue isn't gay by default, she's more bisexual than anything else. Juri on the other hand, is definitely a lesbian. And since I despise the Juri/Shiori pairing (because I loathe Shiori), I suppose pairing my beloved Juri-sama with someone else was the next possible choice. Yes I'm biased, I know.
But enough of pairing talk. I feel like venting something.
About Suzaku. God, talk about a Kira clone. Yes, as in Kira from Gundam Seed. Down to character design, mecha design, and personality. Well, sort of. About the personality part, I think. But they both play similar roles. Gosh, Kira in GSD was somewhat of a deux ex machina with his Strike Freedom, and Suzaku performs a similar role with his Lancelot, although he's not quite as all-conquering, which is a blessing I suppose. But seriously, I'm extremely sick of hearing his rhetoric, since it's been overused by the 6354237 shounen leads before him in many many other shows.
I mean, when Lelouch spouts his stuff about being "allies of justice" and blah blah, I'm not annoyed because I know he's lying through his teeth and that he is simply manipulating people. His goals have always been simple, and his methods were something that I could understand. I do not judge Lelouch by any moral or ethical viewpoint, since it one did so, he would be a great sinner indeed. I judge by results, and if he wins, then he is right. If he loses, then there must have been a flaw in his logic or preparations somewhere. It is just that simple. Win or lose. Like a game.
Yes, as you can see, my views mirror Lelouch's world view a lot. Or Light's, if you want to push it. Winners make the rules, write the history. Right and wrong are merely relative in many respects. It always depends on the situation. I only care if the action is justified. The ends justify the means, I suppose. I guess that's why I dislike Suzaku, because I find him extremely naive. But I suppose naivety does have a place in the world. Hope is a good thing. Sometimes.
Enough of my ramble though. I need to think some more. Good night.
code geass,