Jul 17, 2004 10:36

last night was crazzzyy... so out of nowhere a bunch of people decided to meet up at blue cafe so we all get there and instead of goin in we jus chill at the parking lot trying to figure out what to do.. so out of nowhere someone then screams lets go to the caves!! and im like wtf i dont wanna get eaten by bears and shit. so anywayz we end up meeting at the top of this hill and to get to the caves we have to hike up this fuckin long ass trail in complete darkness and the only thing thats lighting up the place are cell fones haha... so during the hike alon ends up fallin and rolln and shit and instead of grabbing branches to save him he reaches for the hypnotic haha crazy jew alcoholic.. well anywayz so everyone ends up fine and we finally reach the cave and we're in there jus chillin and takin pictures of stupid shit haha.. after like 15 minutes of being inside a cave that smells like dirt we decided to head back and on the way we all see a beam of light and all of the sudden teddy screams "guys its a park ranger run!" so we are all like freakin out now and we start headin back but after a couple steps we find out that manny was the "park ranger" holding his vodka in his hand hahaha after that me and alon jus slept at chelcis wit bonnie..
overall the night was tiiggghtt
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