apex last night

Feb 16, 2007 20:17

so, i went to apex/soho last night with jittrbugg, mer_say_taz, osvobaja, _venus_, dan, and sara (my little sister hahah) last night. it was trés fun.

i rode with sara, merce, and ian on the way there and back. we listened to the spice girls on the way there and dreamgirls on the way back. oh, how we love the girls. except none of us actually do...

sara and maryam sat in soho the whole time because sara's not old enough to get into apex and maryam doesn't really like it in there so we came and visited them often even though we had to walk a little in the like 15 degree weather.

but yeah, it was a really fun time! except the creepo that danced with me last time was there but thankfully jess like grabbed me to dance when he was looking. and she basically almost kissed me like 4 times too hahah.

another creepo was there too. jess and ian both wrote about him i think. he was like totally drugged out and trying to get with everyone then get a ride home from someone. it was rather sad.

but there were lots of cute boys touching boys, as usual. so it was great! and i saw allison there! yay that was cool.

and the end was amazing. dan, merce, erick, guillermo aka "billy" and i were sing-screaming along to "and i am telling you i'm not going" the dance remix. because they always play that at the end and it's fabulous.

and yeah. that's pretty much my post. i just felt obligated because everyone else posted about last night (except merce, she should too!) so i was jealous.
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