more random glee speculation

Nov 05, 2010 00:42

- I've listened to the 30 second clip of "baby it's cold outside" 105 times. still can't get enough
- Not sure what to think about the 'spoilers' from extras about sectionals today. What I'm gathering is that Kurt is with Dalton (which actually could be a 'yay!') and it looks like Lauren Zizes is filling in the missing spot in New Directions
- SO DISAPPOINTED that it's Sam/Quinn for "(i've had) the time of my life". like seriously. like I'd prefer it was Finchel. I just really don't like Dianna's voice and I love the epic cheesiness of that song and the feeling that it gives me at the end of Dirty Dancing. I'm ridiculous, I realize this. But whatever.
- Excited about Naya singing "valerie" though (but WHY?!) and Darren singing "hey soul sister" though
- ...for some reason I actually don't think Kurt and Blaine are going to be romantically involved. idk... I think we're supposed to think they will be but for some reason I feel like they won't. Even if they are both gay and super fucking adorable. But for some reason I feel like Kurt will leave Dalton after sectionals, like maybe in the Christmas episode. Like maybe that's where "baby it's cold outside" comes into play... Kurt's leaving? idk, crazy maybe but that's just what I'm guessing for right now.
- It needs to be Tuesday right now because 4 weeks and 2 episodes of glee makes people fucking crazy
- Including me
- The parallels between next episode and 1.06 are way too obvious and the game isn't even fun anymore. Now it's just seeming lazy like they can't think of any other plot ideas. I'm trying to have faith in the writers, I really am but they're making it hard.
- I miss the front 13 when I didn't know shit before episodes aired. The shock of new songs was so awesome. But now it's literally impossible to avoid and I do not wanna be one of those spoiler-phobes/miss out on anything awesome first
- Seriously though, why are Sam and Quinn so boring. I thought Sam would be way more interesting and that Quinn was going to be stronger and independent and didn't need a man this season... not that I even like her character anyway. But still, *gag*. It's so........blonde.
- I really wish Blaine's name would have been Blake.

- Make that 117 times now.


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