rachel berry: season one

Sep 20, 2010 20:24

a picspam of some of my favorite crazy rachel berry faces in honor of season two starting tomorrow

 1. pilot

"He was touching Hank; caressing him. It was so wrong."

Our first glimpse of how truly genius and evil Rachel Berry can be. Brilliant.

2. rhodes not taken


This is seriously one of my favorite Rachel performances. Her facial expressions are so hilarious and sad at the same time.

3. rhodes not taken (2)

I definitely would not identify as a Finn/Rachel shipper but these facial expressions are so real and wonderful and heartbreaking and excruciating and just show how bad she wants him. It's so good.

4. vitamin d

“Thank you so much, it really is a pleasure. While the boys chose a selection of songs that cast an eye inward on the irresponsible life choices and sexual hunger of today’s modern teens, we’ve chosen a selection of songs that speaks to the nation as a whole during these troubling times filled with economic uncertainty and unbridled social woe because if there’s two things America needs right now, it’s sunshine and optimism … also, angels.”

5. throwdown

"I feel an urge to kiss you right now. I'm just going to go for it." - Jacob

just no.

6. ballad

I constantly refer to this as my favorite crazyface Rachel moment, right before she sings "Crush" to Schue in the car.

7. hairography

"Objective achieved." - Kurt

sexyscheming/smug Rachel after Kurt's first makeover to get Finn's attention.

8. hairography (2)

sad clown hooker. oblig.

9. hairography (3)

I love this moment between Rachel and Kurt. It's so telling and understanding (and I'm definitely a Kurt/Rachel friendshipper... SNARKY friends though, that is.)

10. mattress

fake-crying at its best.

11. mattress (2)

"I can cry on demand. It's one of my many talents. I'm very versatile; and aside from nudity and the exploitation of animals I'll do just about anything to break into the business."

12. sectionals

After Mercedes's (kickass) performance of "And I Am Telling You". Really one of Rachel's only genuine humble moments where she's proud of one of her teammates for non-selfish reasons. And we love her for that.

13. sectionals (2)

Don't Rain On My Parade

best facial expressions ever when she sings.

14. home

"Rachel and Jesse refuse to accept that all of us would rather die before we allow them to become the next Beyonce and Jay-Z." - Kurt

15. home (2)

"..Fanny Bryce is the most iconic role..."

OBLIG CUPCAKE!RACHEL. Also, her only line in this episode and you could barely hear it. As Kurt would say, "a welcome change." (don't get me wrong, I love Rachel but I also like when there's more focus on other characters.)

16. bad reputation

Run Joey Run


17. laryngitis

"The microphones would have to be hidden."

18. laryngitis (2)

Her crazy intent practice face before she realizes not everyone else is singing. So great.

19. laryngitis (3)

The Climb

HAHAHAH just... so good. One of my favorite hilarious moments. And obviously 'laryngitis' is one of the best lulzy!Rachel episodes. Classic.

20. theatricality

"Barbra. I could do it in my sleep."

21. theatricality (2)

Bad Romance

That's all. My favorite crazy Rachel expressions. Hope you enjoyed!

(Please don't take these! If you absolutely need to post somewhere please give me credit/link to this original post. ETA: this is my first real picspam so go easy on me! :D)


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