Title: The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love
Author: originally by
rain_dances and
minor_fifth, remixed by
bitter_crimson Status: Complete (oneshot)
Genre: Romance, crack
Rating: T
Warning: Image-heavy. Uhhh, not exactly NSFW, but I wouldn't recommend reading this anywhere public...
Summary (by author): And John apparently was really cool - at least, according to all the other Samoas. It was actually quite disgusting.
Opinion: THE STORY IS TOLD IN PICTURES!! (Or rather, the pictures are interpreted into a story.) It's strangely adorable and disturbing at the same time (what did you expect huh, this is crack!fic after all). I mean, geez, explicit sex between cookies, srsly? xD This is why I love crack!fic, people.
Here (thanks to a rec by
deedlit50 in
the_slash_pile )