Title: Captive Prince
Author: freece
Status: WIP (prologue + 16 chapters so far)
Genre: Historical, drama/angst, S&M?
Rating: R
Warnings: Slavefic, abuse, non-con
Summary (by author): Damen is the true heir to the throne, but when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity and sent to serve the prince of a rival nation as a pleasure slave.
Opinion: Frankly, I don't like slavefics. However, now and then, I make an exception. "Captive Prince" has almost everything you would expect from a slavefic (consider this my warning!), and much more. The interaction between Damen and Lauren, the rival prince, is highly unexpected to say the least. Lauren is not the I-had-no-intention-of-keeping-him-but-can't-help-falling-in-love/lust-with-him type - oh no babies, he's way tougher than that! >:) Damen is not the I-despise-being-a-slave-but-will-gladly-surrender-to-my-gorgeous-prince type either, because he's essentially as much a warrior as Lauren is. Romance isn't the main focus of the story (you will squeal in silent anyway, or at least I did), but rather the politics and subtle yet fierce struggle for supremacy in court. This story definitely falls into the more-serious category (with excellent grammar to boot!); rest assured though, it's not boring at all. Plenty of actions to keep you hooked. ^^