It's been a long time. After a battle against various things (and here I thought I'd be FREE after finals), I happened to come out on top, only to wait to be dragged down again. Meanwhile, I decided to update this blog a bit. *smiles sheepishly*
I wanna recommend some interesting websites that I've come across. Not a lot, mind you, but those still count, eh? :P
AmaSour Fiction Rating: Mostly PG or PG-13. She's getting bolder though mwahaha.
Update: She's contemplating about writing new series, but what's already up there probably will keep you busy for a while.
My opinion: I bet more than a few of you know about Amasour aka Megan. She said, and I quote, "I grew up reading bodice rippers, interspersed with horror, suspense, mysteries, and fantasy. I think I read more Dragon Lance than was probably healthy. Romance, however, is what I know and love best." On her site, you can find slash fairytales, aliens, magic wielders, dragons, knights, kings, ancient gods, etc. All those things that lurk in your fantasy-craving minds. ^^
Anyway, check this site out. From light read to heavy read, she has it all.
Matthew Haldeman-Time Rating: I'd say 13+ to 16+.
Update: None for a long time, but no worries, all stories are oneshots.
My opinion: The author uses the site to promote his books and put up some nice and lovely oneshots for us hungry leechers readers. Some of them seem to have no plots, but just like the others, they're intriguing. =)
Slash CotillionUpdate: N/A.
Rating: N/A.
My opinion: All I know is this: "Slash Cotillion is an archive for the posting of historical slash fiction, both fan fiction and original." I'll check it out and give a better opinion later.
Below are popular communities / networks for writers and readers. Not all are known by me; I borrowed some from other rec sites. If you know more, please tell me. ^^
Fictionpress: Unlike
Fanfiction, this site has original works only.
AdultFanfiction: This one has original fics too.
LiteroticaNiftyGay Authors There'll be more coming, but not now. +) I gotta go to sleep.