(no subject)

Apr 17, 2009 00:27

So yeah.... It's been about 6 months or so since I bothered to crosspost ANYTHING in regards to fanfiction. That being said, have an uuber-post. I'm sorry that this isn't all sectioned, and that you will find things in this post that do not pertain to your specific comm. However, there's just too much of it to take the time to split it up. That being said, please enjoy the fanfiction that goes with your particular interests. Enjoy, everyone~ For anything that's chaptered that you want to find the previous portions to, just go to this link and look it up on the main directory. ^__^


Title: Unbreakable
Pairing: Hyuuga Neji x Hyuuga Hinata
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: #16 - Invincible/unrivaled
Disclaimer: Naruto =/= mine.


Title: Apple Dreams
Pairing: Hyuuga Neji x Hyuuga Hinata
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: #23 - Candy
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine, were it mine there would be far less fail in the current canon.

Apple Dreams

Title: Lullaby
Pairing: Hyuuga Neji x Hyuuga Hinata
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: #22 cradle
Disclaimer: Naruto and it's characters do not belong to me. I just borrow them for my own twisted purposes.
Notes: Ok, I didn't like this one at first, but as I got into it, I really enjoyed it. Hopefully I captured the emotions of the moment right, as it's not a moment that I've ever gotten to experience yet.


Naruto 31-Days Exchange list is here, there's no sense in listing a further 30 fics when they've already BEEN listed here.

Title: Waiting for Tomorrow
Pairing: Hyuuga Neji x Hyuuga Hinata
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: #25 fence
Disclaimer: Naruto and it's characters do not belong to me. I just borrow them for my own twisted purposes.

Waiting for Tomorrow


Title: Letter 12 - Golden Autumn
Rating: PG for language
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Kuchiki Rukia to Kurosaki Ichigo
Author's Notes: Just fyi, the premise that I'm writing these on is a post-canon situation where Ichigo is in college and has gone off to America for a semester abroad, and he and Rukia are writing letters back and forth (at her demand)

Letter 12

Title: Same Old Thing
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo x Kuchiki Rukia
Prompt: Children
Word Count: Who Knows
Rating: PG
Summary: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Author's Notes: Ichigo, Rukia, and Bleach as a whole do not belong to me. They belong to Kubo-sensei, who gives me fodder for my plot-bunnies. Kaien, Renji, and the rest of the extended Kurosaki clan on the other hand ARE mine. Which means no swipey.

Same Old Thing

Title: Dusty Gold
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Bleach =/= mine, though Yuusuke does.
Summary: Kisuke's first experiences with a life-changing addition to his world.

Dusty Gold

Title: Summer Rivalries
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: IchigoxRukia
Prompt: Summer
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Summary: Some rivalries die hard
Author's Notes: This little plotbunny just came to mind one day as what would likely be a typical outing were these two families to get together at some point.

Summer Rivalries

Title: To Truly Live
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Kon
Rating: PG

To Truly Live

Title: Letter 13 - November Skies
Rating: PG for language
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Kurosaki Ichigo to Kuchiki Rukia
Author's Notes: Just fyi, the premise that I'm writing these on is a post-canon situation where Ichigo is in college and has gone off to America for a semester abroad, and he and Rukia are writing letters back and forth (at her demand)

Letter 13

Title: Day 15 - Outside Objections
Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo x Kuchiki Rukia
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #2 - news/letter
Disclaimer: Bleach =/= mine.

Outside Objections

Title: Pretender
Rating: PG
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Hirako Shinji to Sarugaki Hiyori
Theme: Sweet
Author's Notes: So the premise of these letters is the idea that these are letters written but never sent, aka the title I gave the entire series "10 Times I Never Said I Love You". Half will be from Shinji, and half from Hiyori, and while they all will reference the same continuum (based out of my 24hour_themes series) they won't necessarily go in any sort of order.


Title: Channel-surfing
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki
Theme: #3: Television/radio
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Bleach is, sadly, not mine. Were it mine, my OTPs would be canon. XD


Title: Facsimile
Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia x Aaroneiro Arleiri
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Disoriented
Warnings: Just heavy on the mind-fucking and other such stuff. Spoilers for up to the Hueco Mundo arc, then from there it basically takes a "way things could have gone" path.
Summary: How can you know what's real when the past resurrects itself in front of you?


Title: Starless Sky
Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia x Abarai Renji
Rating: PG
Prompt: Look to the sky
Warnings: Nothing really objectionable, spoilers for up through the Hueco Mundo arc, but it doesn't really touch on much in that sense.
Summary: Sometimes if you spend too much time barking at the moon, you miss the stars.

Starless Sky

Title: Strategic Reasoning
Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia x Urahara Kisuke
Rating: PG
Prompt: Freedom
Warnings: Not many spoilers, mostly just for the Soul Society arc
Summary: Kisuke always has reasons for everything he does, they're just sometimes not what you might expect.

Strategic Reasoning

Title: Chill
Recipeint: [info]shinebunny
Rating: PG
Character: Hiyori, slight hint of ShinjixHiyori.
Theme: Cold


Title: Day 10 - Nightly Wanderings
Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo x Kuchiki Rukia
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #24: Good Night
Disclaimer: Bleach isn't mine

Nightly Wanderings

Title: Puzzle-Cube
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Shihouin Yoruichi, Urahara Yuusuke
Rating: G
Summary: A companion piece to Dusty Gold, for all those who were wondering whether I'd continue it any. Takes place about a year later, but references events in Dusty Gold, as well as Yuusuke's memories in Winter Violets.
Disclaimer: Bleach and it's characters do not belong to me. However, Yuusuke DOES and I would prefer not to have to head-hunt anyone today for stealing him.

Sequel to Dusty Gold

Shards of Spirit
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Ichigo X Rukia
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, now go read.
Spoilers: Up to Rukia's fight with Arroniero. SoS takes a slightly alternate path and follows the idea that after everyone's initial fights, they were able to retrieve Inoue and return to Karakura. Obviously, anything in canon since then will not be referenced here.
Summary:Do we ever get a second chance? An option to redo what we did wrong? And if we did, would we know what to do when it was given to us? When a mistake threatens to cost Ichigo the thing he never realized was most important, how far will he go to get it back?
Gravely injured, hovering at the brink of death, Rukia remains trapped within her mind, a prisoner to her own inner demons, while Ichigo, determined to restore her, faces not only her own darkness but the fears and illusions in his own heart by journeying into her mind itself to find her and bring the pieces of her soul back together.

SoS Ch. 5

Title: Day 3 - Seeing Red
Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo x Kuchiki Rukia
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #19 - red
Disclaimer: Bleach =/= mine.

Seeing Red

Title: Cloudhead Dreams
Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia x Shiba Kaien
Rating: PG
Prompt: Head in the Clouds
Warnings: Spoilers up through Rukia's memories during her fight with Arroniero
Summary: Some daydreams just aren't meant to be realized.

Cloudhead Dreams

Title: Many-Coloured Stardust
Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia x Kurosaki Ichigo
Rating: PG
Prompt: Midsummer's Night
Warnings: Not many spoilers at all
Summary: Sometimes the hardest things to say turn out to be the easiest decisions we ever make.

Many-Coloured Stardust

Title: Compass-Point
Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia x Ukitake Jyuushirou
Rating: PG
Prompt: Navigation
Warnings: Not many spoilers, mostly just for the Soul Society arc
Summary: Life can be hard at times, especially when your role is relegated to the sidelines.


Title: Memories in the Fall
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing/Character: IchiRuki, IchiSen
Rating: PG
Summary: A heart is never touched the same way twice

Genesis Ch. 1

Title: Light of Home
Fandom: Bleach
Character/Pairing: UraharaxYoruichi, Yuusuke
Rating: PG
Summary: Set 2 years or so after Puzzle Cube. Yoruichi has made a point of staying away, but perhaps Kisuke can convince her that there isn't nearly such a need for it.

Light of Home
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