Haha, he turns 23 on 23th February xD funny ! But 23 is still young, ne~ i made 20x icons as birthday present. :D hehe, i still can remember when i saw him the first time in the dorama gokusen2 *_* i was like :"goooooosh, what a hot guy !" O_O I mean Jin was hot too, but i liked Kame more, because of his cool role as Ryu Odagiri XD This was the beginning of my obsession with JE. ♥
Then, later i got into Hey!say!JUMP ! :D i saw Yuto first of all members in the dorama (yeah, again XD) Nobuta Wo Produce ! Kame played the leading part, who was Yutos big brother <3 Unfortunately, i am more interested in HSJ than KAT-TUN, right now ^-^; but i still love them & their music. ♥ and i'm still watching Cartoon KAT-TUN. xD So, thanks to gokusen2 i am a KT & HSJ fangirly now, tehe. |D
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Uhm I need to change my Layout >__< sry Kame, i'm going to make a hsj header. x3 btw, finally i got around to update my userinfo :D
HAVE A LOOK ! as you can see i've managed to come in second in JE_Battle ! >w< Yattaaa~ it was my first time that i participated in a contest !
Ok, i'll end here ... i'm not feeling well ... (sore throat -_-;) oyasumiiii~ nasai ! ^_^