The mole of DOOOOM!

Nov 10, 2008 02:54

Yes... and it's not the small furry animal either...

I don't know how it happened, but I had a bit of a ItsukixKyon flash today and so I rewatched some parts of the anime (Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu). I almost forgot, but there was this one scene, which totally confused me. I was just SO dumbfounded. It's this one (the 3rd and 4th one)... WHY does Itsuki stare at Kyon's mole? I just don't get it... I hunted for fanarts and found a meme, where the mole is mentioned XD I'm not alone with my confusion <3 But... can anyone enlighten me,... please? Why does it so randomly appear? Is it because Suzumiya Haruhi is a strange anime anyway...?

Well that's it from me... will really go sleep now. I just hope, I'm actually able to do so now -__-


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