Swan attack

Apr 04, 2008 13:18

I got up, did some yoga, and decided to go to the lake and feed the geese and all of the pretty birds. It was chilly out and so I wore a sweater under my jacket and pulled the cuffs through so to warm my hands. I sat there reading the Great Gatsby and once in a while pulled out some dried bread for the birds which I seasoned with wakami, (seaweed), and dried salmon flakes when I noticed a beautiful swan meandering its way toward the gaggle. I through it a piece of the bread when it was about 3 feet away from me. Odd I thought, as it walked past the bread, and continued on its war path to me. It was about a foot away when I reached into the bag again to give it a treat, when all of the sudden its giant swan head filled the bag and grabbed my sweater cuff! Now, normally I dont scream out loud, but it scared me so badly I literally screamed like a girl and tried yanking back my hand. I guess swan's are a lot like dogs in the sense that if you try to yank away, they only let go to bite again and get a better more ravenous grip. I was shaken! I was FREAKED! The bag of treats spilled and all of the geese started honking at me in what I assume was some kind of geesy laughter. During the tug of war match with the evil swan lord, another of it's buddies appeared behind me. I yelled, "let GO" and his friend hissed at me freaking me out even more! Finally I yanked hard, ripping my gorgeous sweater cuff, hard enough to rip the things teeth out if it had any and ran away about 10 feet. They werent finished, and to my extremely unpleasant embarrassment, a bunch of teen-age mexican kids were on the deck in the apartments above me pointing and laughing at me. I gave up on the bag, I say littering is evil but god or whoever is judging me can go pick it up. I was chased out of the fence by the swans buddy. I now hate swans
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