shits and giggles

Sep 24, 2006 21:28

We had our much anticipated 10 year reunion for year 10 Canberra High School. Leading up to it I was pretty skeptical, thinking it'll be full of people I didn't want to see trying to show off about how well they are doing. Getting a stupid email from one of the girls who can't make it saying "I'm so awesome and hot...look at me" sort of added to it.

Anyway, nuts to that. Heard Wayne was in town, went through the yearbook and realised there were a bunch of people I wanted to see. Bottom line it would be great to just hang out with Philip, Kenesi, Wayne, Simpson and everyone I don't get to see very often.

Dirk, Philip and I started at All bar nun a little before and were joined by Simpson, Wanyne, Langman and Beard. Then big al (still on the tennis pro circuit!) and Omar. Fun times were bring had before the reunion started. Simpson and Toby were calling dibs on Karen Burton which was funny as.

In short the reunion rocked. So many randoms that I'd forgotten about and fun seeing everyone. Still some idiots but that can't be helped...Bottom line I don't think people change that much. The biggest change that everyone couldn't get over was Patrick Boucher was has been gigantic for the last few years. He keeps getting bigger and bigger. So funny cos he was bursting out of his shirt (poor buttons and poor small girl of his - photo below).

Many getting married or already married, many with kids (not the married ones), former and soon to be olympians (you got quite a sweet applause, D), and a whole lot of happy people. Lots of people showing off about "I did Europe" or "I did the traveling thing..." big woop. Not too many people being annoying. Amrita still gets under my skin - she told someone today that "poor shiro was trying to talk to me but I was too busy with other people". What the? I have no idea what possesses her to lie and make stupid things up. ah, who cares.

All in all, as Karen said it's a successful year with 4 phd students outnumbering the 3 in prison.

Didn't get the greatest photos but will be getting more from others...

Wayne and Pat asked to pose for denis

The Cook Primary boys

The absolutely massive Pat. he even has a massive head

Simpson "the rapper", Fib and me

Simpson getting his thug on for the group photo

Dirk, Rohan of Roshambo(or is it Rochambeau?), Belinda and someone I paid no attention to then and get embarrassed last night for...hey you, how have you been?

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