<3 Happy Valentines Day<3
Craig got me a single rose
and a teddy from the bear factory, hes gorgeous,hes called *Corey*:) so me really happy bout dat!
yea so this weekend me and lorri went to ma dad it was really fun, we got really drunk and sat on a really big stack of chairs and they fell and we were under the chairs for like 1hour and laffin out asses off tryin to get out with broken bones,yea i bumped my head badly!!and i fuked my wrist up i have a sling!!but it was great haha oh and lorri like broke her fingers!CAMBELTOWN HOSPITAL hahaha so funny, oh well! it was good, yea jill was supposed to come but she dingyed us and sed she was depressed and was goin to whales or watever but oh wells it was fun neway,, yea lorri bumped £160 worth ov make-up and its amazin,
well tomoz im goin to town maby wif lorri to shop till i drop since ma dad put like £200 in ma bank!and after dat im goin to the studios to watch craig,murray,gimp,sean and them practise!!!woohoo!so yea i had a goooooood day today:) and im really happy:)not like you stupid emo!*hint*
well hope Caits and lewis get together:)*fingers crossed
and i hope you had a good valentines day:)
well me away to bed now!!!!ntye xxx