Title: "
A Meeting of Immortals"
Fandom(s): Doctor Who, Forever Knight, NieR Replicant
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Lucien LaCroix, Devola, Popola
Pairing(s): None
Rating: G
Genre: Sci-fi
Word Count: 2717
Summary: The Doctor lands on an Earth he doesn't recognise and meets an old acquaintance he doesn't expect.
Author's Notes:
So... I'm doing this
GISH thing, right? When the week begins, they put out a list of 150 or so items for you to work on, but the first few are hidden, to be revealed at events throughout the week, and then they also add more items to the list as the hunt goes on. Well, I checked back for those new items on the first couple of days, then forgot.
On Thursday, I remembered the list, so I went to read it, and found this:
Item #4: Zoom Challenge: "Fanfic through the Ages": Write a special crossover fanfic of a character from a 1990s show, book, or video game and a character from a 2000s show, book, or game meeting in a different 2010s universe. Post your item on social media and tag SamMaggs, PatrickWeekes (on Twitter) and #GISH. Submit an image of your work and put a link to your social post in the comments.
They asked specifically for fanfic. I grabbed it immediately and posted in our Discord channel, "Omg. This is what I do."
That's where this story came from.
Doctor Who was a gimme. I saw the "1990s" thing and of course my mind went immediately to Forever Knight, which was my obsession back then. That might seem strange since I really have no interest in vampires, but what really captured me about the show was its format and writing. I happened to be channel-flipping and caught one two-minute scene of Nick apprehending a criminal, and that was all it took. Then I found that each episode was a modern story interspersed with historical scenes, and I loved it.
So, I had to do a bit of research to catch back up on FK (I haven't seen it in at least a decade). Then I had to choose the 2010s item, and immediately landed on NieR. Though I only know the world and stories from my husband playing Replicant and Automata, it's fascinating (as well as tragic and mind-blowing). This meant a hell of a lot of research on both our parts, because there's so much there - much of it only implied in the games, and a lot that just is difficult to understand.
However, two days of constant discussion and frenzied writing, and I'm done! Well, not really. It needs editing and polish, and I want to rework a large part of it, but it's in a reasonable form as a submission for GISH. Woohoo! A two-day story! I guess I work fine under pressure.