Nov 24, 2007 22:54
a documented acknowledgement of a kind gesture:
i stopped in UDF today for gas and a chocolate shake (on sale). long story short, i asked how much they'd charge to throw in the pb syrup stuff and she looked at her coworker and said, ring up a chocolate special. i bet it was more of a i don't give a shit than i want to do something nice, but regardless i wasn't charged. i felt like giving her a dollar to say thanks but that would've defeated the purpose of not charging me. i settled for the verbal offering. i hope she caught my appreciation.
in the realm of art and expression... i went to a free slam/open mic tonight. most of the first acts were music based relationshippy kinda things, but oh how heavy the jesus fell upon the room. i swear i felt like i was back in church at bits. however, i was saved. the other two people sitting at my table sat up and said their piece. of course they had to add in remarks against walmart, the iraq situation, christianity, etc. i was caught between emotions of pride, embarrassment, uncomfortability, awe, you name it. it felt a bit funny and alienating that our table represented the minority voices. i was proud of naomi and kari(?). i don't have the balls to stir the shit like that.
i did however write a spur of the moment poem inspired by kari's two nouns, forest and camel. she kept it so i don't know it. i also made a guy riding a turtle out of play dough they provided. people were impressed and i'm still not sure why. some things just come too easy to me i guess.