vaccine, caving, coasters, BWI

May 19, 2006 10:18

So apparently the religious right is protesting the new cervical cancer vaccine. The problem is, technically it's an HPV vaccine, and they seem to think it will increase promiscuity. So, rather than saving people's lives, lets let them die as a warning against being promiscuous. That makes sense.

Anyway, I took a long weekend this past weekend and went to Holiday World, caving, and Cedar Point. The new coaster at HW was incredible, my new #2 wood coaster. Cedar Point was amazing too, I got to hang out with Katie Z and the lines were tiny. We also fed a green marshmallow to a rabbit, and drove by "fangboner road" just as the radio was announcing that a prostitute had bitten off a man's penis because he didn't have money to pay for services rendered.

Caving was the big surprise of the weekend though. We went to Mill Cave in Southern Indiana. It was beautiful. We spent four hours crawling through the mud and climbing over and under things. It's a very seldom visited cave, because you need some experience and equipment (we had helmets with headlamps, long underwear and coveralls). You have to get the key to the unmarked dirt road leading to the cave from the local police department 10 miles away. You tell them what time you plan on being back, and if you'r enot there, they send out a rescue team. It was an amazing experience. A knee-deep stream flows right through the cave, so you basically walk up the stream into the cave. There's a 4 foot waterfall, a big room, lots of stalactites and bacon, narrow crawls, and fun mudslide type things. We were COVERED in mud by the end. Literally I have never been that dirty in my entire life. I'll definately do it again some time.

So next week I'm leaving to present at a conference in Baltimore, then a few days with friends in NYC, then immediately to Kzoo because my Dad is having surgery.
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