Apr 03, 2008 00:37
(thanks: ॐNoVember☆((Moonॐ...from myspace)
McCain ’breaks official spending cap’
Mon, 24 Mar 2008 19:37:12
Republican candidate John McCain
Republican presumptive nominee John McCain has ignored official campaign expenditure limits and has overspent millions in the primary.
According to spending reports filed last week by McCain’s campaign, the Arizona senator has broken the limits set by the presidential public financing system.
Candidates such as McCain, who have committed to public financing, are only allowed to spend up to $54 million on the primary. McCain, however, spent $58.4 million.
This is while lawyers of the 71-year-old senator contend that the spending cap does not apply in the current situation.
They allege since the Republican hopeful announced after February 6’s Super Tuesday victories that he would withdraw from the matching-funds program he had entered last year, the spending cap does not apply to him.
"The FEC regulations specifically state that candidates who do not receive public funding payments from the US Treasury are exempt from the primary spending ceiling," expounded one of his senior campaign officials.
Chairman of the commission David Mason, however, warned McCain last month that his withdrawal request had not yet been granted.
"McCain has 2 problems with this issue.
1: If the FEC allows Mccain to withdraw from FED matching funds he will be revoked from many delegates in states that he was able to be on the ballot without the required number of signatures therefore he will lose any delegates for him in those states.
2: If the FEC doesn’t release him from matching funds he will be capped at 50 million dollars and will kill his run for president because he will not have the money to compete.
The problem is even more complicated than this. McCain used the matching funds eligibility to avoid having to collect signatures to qualify for ballot access in several states, including Ohio, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Those state wins must be voided according to most experts on the issue. That means he does not have the necessary delegates.
Ironic that it was his law (McCain-Feingold) that got him in this mess.
McCain broke the law...
I was one of the people that have addressed this and did so on record on the radio. You people can not wait for the FEC to rule on this.
The delegates in these states need to file the motion at their conventions for McCain to be revoked of all his delegates in those states for failure to comply with election ballot state law requirements.
Find out if your state allowed McCain to be on the ballot without obtaining petition signatures." -- Dr.
Steve Parent