Write in LJ and read in Blogspot

Jun 15, 2006 04:53

Do you like both Blogspot and LJ? Do you have your readers split between these two lovely blog provider sites ? Well, I do. I was telling
sunson the other day that I want to blog in LJ and then syndicate it into blogspot. Apparently, you can do this by paying LJ for a premium account. I dont know what else a premium account provides, but I really dont want to pay for something like this. Why would you do that when you have Greasemonkey and PHP? So, A bit of a night out and some ciggys amalgamated into the "LJ Blogspot integrator".

What is good ?
Well, this entire thing, isint ?

What is bad ?
  • You need to install this greasemonkey script. That means, you are stuck to firefox and you have to install it on all the firefox browsers you blog from.
  • The backend is PHP. So you need a server to run it. Maybe, at a later point, I will write the entire thing in javascript.
  • You have to switch to the "plain text mode" before you click "update". This is because I dont know how to capture the text written inside the rich text editor. You can help me to fix this.
  • LJ user links have a broken image. Will fix this later.
  • Your update entries will not take effect in blogspot. Not sure if I want to fix this.
Go find the greasemonkey script from here. I am hoping you already have greasemonkey and know what I am talking about. Find the backend PHP code here.
Read up the code to see what all you have to change. And then you are all set to go!

PS: If you find this blog on my blogspot, it got there because of what I just told you!

livejournal, javascript, hacks, blogspot, php, greasemonkey

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