Feb 11, 2009 00:14
OMFG 'you're one of us Nathan!' him walking away O_O loved this episode so much but Daphné? WHYYYYYYYYYYY! no! love how matt killed the men with his mind JEDI TRICK x1000!
...jedi? why yes LUKE! lol 'i'm your father ...figure!' should have said sylar! sylar has now a padawan, that is so awesome!
the music!!! epic win all along
i really wanted to bitchslap nathan and HRG
i missed Elle so much, not even funny :-( she could have hit the road with sylar and teen!sylar
i didn't even wanted to kick claire in her kneecap this time
mama petrelli, as always, i bow before you
it's official, writers of heroes: I LURVE YOU GUIZE!
note to self: i have to make some fanarts on this season
and i'm off to sleep, can't wait for Lost woohoo!