• HELL !! •

Jun 05, 2006 22:06

hj ia para tirar umas fotos para um trabalho quando ao ligar a minha c-5050 constato q a imagem no visor aparece toda deformada (tipo a derreter), roxa, e com barras horizontais ao longo da imagem... conclusao: ccd berrado, reparaçao q pode chegar aos 300 euros..

agora um pormenor: a minha maquina está sempre arrumada no estojo, nunca a levo para sitios potencialmente perigosos onde possa sofrer choques, etc etc e avaria-se sozinha, em casa (ainda sexta tive a tirar umas fotos) e dizem-me q pode ser da HUMIDADE do mar ou de andar ao sol? WTF? so tiro fotos de noite pq a maquina nao resiste ao sol, é isso?
isto é anedótico. olympus nunca mais.

o pior é q preciso mesmo da maquina e agora vou andara tirar fotos com uma analogica, a pagar a ampliaçoes e a gastar rolos. mft.


today i was going to take some pictures for some schoolwork, but when i turned my c-5050 on I noticed that the image on the digital screen was distorted (like, melting), purple and with horizontal bars all through the image. conclusion: the ccd broke and getting it repaired may cost around 300 euros...

just a little detail: my camera was inside it's bag most of the time and i avoid taking it to potencially dangerous places where it can get get knocked or something... and it brokes down by itself, at home (i took some pictures just friday and it was fine) and the people at the store have the nerve to tell me it may be caused by moisture or sunlight? WTF? so i can only take pictures by night because the camera can't stand the sun, is that it?
this is just plain stupid. Olympus = no way.

the worst part of it all is that i really need the camera and i'll have to resort to a film camera, spending money on film and large prints. mft.
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