I Make Myself Feel Good

Dec 28, 2004 15:19

Now, I kick a lot of sphincter, maybe too much some would say. But, as of late, I've been asked many a time,"Hey Dave, why do you kick so much sphincter?" Well, I hope to address that here, so as to help people get a handle on exactly how much sphincter I kick a day and why.

When I get up on an average day, I kick myself right in the sphincter, because it helps me wake up. Then, I start mulling around this world, maybe I'll go to Switzerland. When I get there, or wherever, I see these people who look like they just aren't enjoying life, so kick'em right where it counts, in the sphincter. Sometimes some guy will come up to me askin' why I kicked his bedridden Grammy right in the ol'sphincter. Well, I don't have time for that so I give him a boot square in the sphincter, damn four year olds back talkin their elders. It always seems to send people right on their way, though, walkin careful, clutchin' all that's dear to them. This is they way things should be, and that is how I'm gonna set'em, one sphincter at a time.
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