Aug 05, 2007 19:40
The I eye clouds the eye.
Maybe it is unfortunate that so much liberating literature encodes it's secrets from the Hoi Polloi
Then again, perhaps it serves the same process as sifitng sand for gold; We search for humans, and those who yet maybe humans.
Machines need not apply.
The irony of the situation is, that the very function that is beleived to be the essence of our individuality, is nothing but a damned dirty lie.
Those who seek enlightenment. wise the fuck up.
Only the ego can seek, and the ego doesn't exist. It is a matrix of thoughts, it is not evil, it is an abstract concept,
like algebra.
The identification with the "ego" thought denies the truth of enlightenment; that all is a constantly changing flow.
So all my little space monkees, it is time to start the deprogramming. I don't want you to think that this has any purpose except that the inscrutable flow; called by some Tao, and others Satori has decreed that this is the moment of revelation.
Shave your head Shave your head Shave your head.
And shoot your motherfucking ego in the forehead.
Here is the real shit
Observation is the key. Watch everything that you "Do" and everything that "happens" to you as just a flow.
Attribute no action to your "self" Just watch, if you forget to watch, for the love of Kali, don't fucking beat yourself up. Just watch
Just watch....There it can't be said any clearer. There is your Satori
If it is not good enough...well then you should ask the question "Not good enough for who?"
Ps:If all of this is too easy for you, send me three easy payments of 19.99 and I will tell you the REAL secret.