I know what you're thinking. Haven't posted in over three months and I post THIS? Well, yeah, cause I'm bored and I thought it would be amusing :P And I want to let everyone know at the same time that I've been working on Faux, so Chapter 10 should be up eventually. Don't ask me when, though, cause I honestly don't know. Depends how much time I have to work on it. So yeah, here we go...
Steaked from
commonlogic DIRECTIONS
¤ Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
¤ Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
¤ Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
¤ This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
1. OK, this first one is a picture of me cosplaying as Misa from Death Note :P It was taken at Otakuthon 2007, when we were at the restaurant (Yes, I went to the restaurant dressed like that, lol). I really like this picture, but at the same time, it's weird to look at it cause I'm not used to seeing myself with blonde hair, ahahah. My hair is black, so it's quite the contrast XD
2. OMG, do you seriously expect me to explain this one? I'd get killed for sure :P Let's just say it was inspired by Phoenix's incredibly deep thoughts in a certain story. Because he is... XD
3. Ahahah, long live inside jokes :P So, have you read any good PMS lately, Cathryn? ;)
4. LOL, yeah, that's one of several icons I made for other people. And by other people, I mean
llamaramauk, cause she fails at Photoshop (Just kidding, ilu :P). But yeah, if you read Faux, it's kind of obvious that this icon couldn't have been my idea XD
5. This one is easy. You just have to read the last line of Chapter 4 :P
6. I think this one is pretty much self-explanatory. I mean, it's Miles Edgeworth, and he has ISSUES!!! Can you believe it? :O Cause I mean, he's a perfectly normal guy, right? He has a lot of friends and loves to go out and have fun. He's also really good-looking and enjoys all the attention he gets from women. He's also had a perfectly normal childhood, doesn't have any phobias, has a very healthy lifestyle and... what? Yeah, I didn't think so XD