Request Post 2

Jun 18, 2009 10:30

I've reopened my request post this is part two. Im going to be adding some more rules to this post as to how to go about requesting and what i will accept and what i wouldnt accept. Sp please read them before you request anything.

  1. There will be no more requesting layouts
  2. Please use the forum when you're requesting
  3. Please give me the images you want to use or a theme or something a bit specific so i know what to do
I think this is it for now im not sure if i think of anything else i'll add it
Form for Requests:
- please use this from

Livejournal Account:
Featured Actors/Actress/Movie/Etc:
Choose 1: Icons, Blends, Animation (sidebar), Tutorials
Details: pictures or themes that you what this to be done in

!request post

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