**Excerpt of IM chat between
shivanesti and
shivanesti is walking on Queen Street, downtown Toronto, IMing on his iPhone**
August 20, 2009: 6:52 PM
shivanesti: "Looks crappy outside"
ginny_t: "yeah"
shivanesti: "Has it started raining yet?"
ginny_t: "here yes"
shivanesti: "Meh I have no umbrella. Going to see if it's raining before I get on the subway"
shivanesti: "Nit raining yet but soon. There's wind but it's like walking thru moisture"
ginny_t: "are you leaving soon? I;m geting hungry :-("
shivanesti: "I've already left"
ginny_t: "'k"
6:58 PM
shivanesti: "I hate this weather"
ginny_t: "me too"
shivanesti: "Holy crap there's crazy black clouds coming"
ginny_t: "yep"
ginny_t: "t-storm watch"
ginny_t: "whee"
ginny_t: "tornado watch"
shivanesti: "Lightning and wind. This sucks"
shivanesti: "Holy crap"
7:03 PM
shivanesti: "Holy shit"
shivanesti: "Do you have food at home?"
shivanesti: "Holy"
ginny_t: "so you don't want to go for dinner"
ginny_t: "oh, it just hit for real"
ginny_t: "the pressure change is so sudden my ears popped"
*What transpired next is unknown except for the those strangers that were present, but it likely involved running for shelter, wind fury, lightning strikes in the too near distance, and horizontal rainfall*
7:22 PM
shivanesti (still alive): "Forget dinner tonight. I made it to CTV corner before the storm hit and started pouring and lightning and blowing people around"
shivanesti: "I had to turn around and run back to Osgoode like I was running foot my life"
ginny_t: "yeah"
shivanesti: "I just made it to St ClairWest"
shivanesti: "I'll have to run home"
**End excerpt**