Aug 15, 2006 00:35
So today (or technically, yesterday) Andrew and I played Halo 2 somemore... And, well... We kicked some major ass! I think at most we lost 3 games, and we played like, infinity billion! In terms of levels, I (or more precisly, Robbie) went from a 20 to a 24! It was pretty awesome, and makes me think we have a possibility of getting past the first round this year at PAX! XD
Other then that, I was watching Honey and Clover... And I found it hilarious when the girl that liked Mayama confessed to him, and he was like "yeah" and "thank you"... I'm not sure what would possess you to answer like that, but if it works out, I guess it's ok! XD
Speaking of anime... I've been reading (and finished what all I currently have of) the eyeshield 21 manga, and anyone who is interested in something to read and hasn't seen or read this yet... GET TOO IT!