Hayfever is making me very irritable

May 29, 2020 18:04

Screams into the void

I have tried doing stuffs to move life forward and they've not gone well due to the fact that no one has simple email systems any more, they've got smart AI systems to deal with issues, only not with the issue that I have, viz trying to find out just how much of an Egyptology first degree I did twenty years ago so that I can convince Manchester University to let me do an MA in Egyptology (online) to pass the time.

I am not sure if there is going to be any movement on the job front over the next six months, the way things are going.

I also have to sort out my tax return and .... that's going to be a job in itself.

I see promptfest is moving to the request and extensions phase so there might be movement on the Exchange shortly. It's going to be twenty years since the founding fic Beyond the Silver Rainbow in June

I've never seen it, and never read it, and no one I know has a copy!
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