Apr 12, 2005 18:54
So I said fuck that class. I've allready finished all the reading and all but one written assignment for the next month. I don't want to listen to Lard Asss Buckley talk for an hour and a half about Toyota comming to Lansing and how it was all his idea blah blah blah.
I got some new tobacoo. MacBaren was buy one get one at Campbells. That cuts the price down even more. Im talking like a dollar a pack. And it's good. I got the Halfzware and the American blend and mixed them. Super. Excellent. I just smoked one. How cool am I.
Well, I hate to say it, but I've been forced by work to go to sleep before midnight lately. I mean there's not much else to do when you have to work at 4:15 AM. But I get paid for the first time tomorrow. It's only 72 dollars, but it's only for training and one shift. I've worked like 5 this pay period, and one was 7 hours of drive time. I'll be ballin in two weeks.
Well my eyes hurt cause I'm tired and this screen is bright as hell.