Apr 16, 2005 22:50
so last night at about this time me suz & jimmi jayne were outside crying on 87. yeah i wasn't supposed to be driving (according to my mom) with the after 9 and stuff..and we were just going out to wades. i came up on his driveway and didn't want to slam on breaks for the other person behind me. so i turned around in western parking lot. i didnt go when i should have because i didnt want anyone to have to wait while i turned. so i waited for all cars to pass by completely. jimmi in the passenger seat, suz in the back behind her. a street sweeper so dirty you couldn't see it, no lights on 87, and his tail lights completely dirty and faded, was turning left where those red barns are. i wasn't going but 40 and didn't see him until i got on him. basically, i breaked really fast but it was too late. i ran in the back of him and my car went underneath his. the airbags shot out on me and jimmi & suz went forward. thank God for seatbelts. seriously. my car's totaled. theres a picture on my webshots. idk about the whole ticket thing. but i didnt have my glasses/contacts on so i got wrote up for that. suz went to the hospital just for 'precausions'. were all sore and bruised. suz is the worst:(. but at least nothing more than that happened. that's basically the story in a hot minute. thank you everybody who has called me, IMed me, came by and seen me, text messages, voicemails, everything. suz & jimmi jayne. yall are the best. and you know it. it was a miracle & God was with us. i love you both so much & without you two idk where i would be. joint-at-the-hip oh hell.:)
to everybody:
live life everyday to the fullest. never frown for one minute b/c that's 60 seconds of your life you aren't smiling. try not to break the law too much. or disobey you're rents. tell everyone you love them...because you never know--the next minute they'll be gone. trust God with all you're heart.
and to you robbie. it makes tears run down my face just knowing how much you are there for me. you came quicker than anybody else, ready & willing to do ANYTHING to help. my family, me, suz, jimmi jayne, and everybody else thanks you so much for everything you did. i love you with all my heart & without YOU, i don't think i would have made it.