May 03, 2007 21:59
01. Drama = No. If you got problems, take it up with the mod.
02. We allow het/yuri/yaoi kinda situations.
03. We allow mature situations, but they must be under a cut and labelled with the proper warnings. Minors exist people.
04. This is a fandom RP. We accept anime/manga/video games/books/movies etc. etc. No Original Characters, or real life people. Hamlet or Harry Potter? Okay. Your made-up Bleach character or Brad Pitt? No.
05. This is an alternate universe rp. Naruto does NOT have to be a ninja NOR does he have to know Sasuke or the others but he can if he wants to. They were not suddenly sucked up from their fandom. They've been in this world all their life. However, it does not give you rights to be OOC. Naruto should STILL be perky and like ramen, get it?
06. This is a semi-crack rp. As if you can be serious in an rp with zombies. Pssh. In other words, STAY in character, but if silly things happen, it happens. :D It's not meant to be DARK AND BROODY unless you want it to be. It's not meant to be HAPPY AND GLEE unless you want it to be.
07. Don't godmode. Don't control another character. As much fun as it sounds, it isn't. In fact, it's kind of annoying. :O Be good, please.
08. There will be a three-member character limit for now. It will probably change because Panda breaks her rules, that FIEND. DX
09. You get a two weeks activity check. Please be active. I'll keel you if you don't. We will post the inactive members every 14th and 21st of the month. If these members don't update by the end of the month, then they will be removed.
10. You can reserve a character for five days. However, if you need more time, you can ask for more if you can give a valid reason as to why.
11. RULES CAN BE ADDED AND CHANGED and it is up to the members to keep up though we'll probably update in the main comm. if anything DOES update.