seriously, everybody needs to watch monk. anyway, i've been debating whether or not to post. and, obviously, i've decided in favor of it. so this is a general list of things i've been up to.
- rocky... always rocky...
- mum was in the hospital for about a week.... i spent the night a couple of times... she's home now, though bed-ridden cuz of her incisions... poo
- wedding... weddings, i love weddings, drinks all around! (love johnny depp so much! i have a story concerning him in about three seconds, keep reading.)
- spent the night at my sister's house (to get ahead on some things.. i dunno, some college shit) and it was bizarre... she's married... i dunno, married people have strange habits... or at least my sis and her husband do... plus they got into at least two major fights while i was there... wtf?
- yeah, i definitely stayed up all night recently and i had no idea why... then i realized that i'm a goddam insomniac and i hadnt taken my sleeping pills! so i just got crazy and stayed up all night watching cartoons. i love cartoons. they're amazing.
- oh yeah, i think i've reached my lowest, most rock-bottom-est, ever. well, i dont know exactly what brought the thought about... i must've been brooding over something... i can be emotional sometimes... but somehow the thought of johnny depp being dead floated into my head... but that's not sad. no, it isnt sad that i think of celebrities dying. what's sad is that i cried. fuck me, oh fuck me. i cried! what is that? what is that?? that is sick and wrong.
- well, i pay for things now. bills and things. i never even knew i had bills. but i like paying my own way. it feels nice. what sucks is my shit-run-over-twice father who left without paying some of his bills and left me to pay them for him! YOU cost me like 120 bucks asshole! and you made mum FORGE your signature on your tax forms. next time show up when you have to and leave when you're not wanted.
- let's talk bugs: i dont hate them as much as some people may think... and when i kill them people often ask me whiny little questions like "what did they ever do to you?" and they say things like "you know they help you, right?" Well, yeah, i'm fully aware that they help me, but when they're crawling vall over my house eating my cookie crumbs, they are so not helping! i can clean up my own damn cookie crumbs. even still, bugs and stuff are very pervasive, prevalent creatures on our mother Earth and i really dont think killing the few that invade my territory will really affect the survival of their species. finally, i do not intend to show any mercy to anything that will probably eat me once i am dead.
- oh, and my SAT scores came in. i did better than expected but at the same time i did worse than i wanted. I mean, i know i couldve done better, had i practiced more and learned to manage my time better. but i didnt. i can always retake it. but i dont need to. i got the score i need. the thing is, the questions i answered, i answered right, but my time management was so terrible... that was the only thing that saved me: actually being smart. had i finished the whole thing, i wouldve done much better, at least on the verbal, it's the easiest. i mean, fuck math.
- going to the movies with Tyler and Shelley.. they are so Metal... i have to see the beginning of stepford wives... and i really wanna see the new harry potter movie... riddick = ridiculous
this is the longest entry ever so... yeah... plus i am kinda frustrated that i was typing this entry... then i lost it... then i had to retype it... well... i better get some rest.