Aug 13, 2009 23:34
I was walking around Target looking for diaper pins and diaper covers when I saw a family from the gym. The 3 girls also take Tae Kwon Do. Last November I taught around 25 kids from the Tae Kwon Do school how to 'flip' including these girls.
Tagging along this family was another kid in the Tae Kwon Do group. A 12 year old named Conner and he took a liking to me and would often flirt. He called me, 'Miss K.' I dug it.
They did a double take because my hair was short and blond and I'm not flipping nor pregnant. Once they recognized me and saw that I had the baby and she was with me, we conversed and caught up a bit.
We went our separate ways in the store. I was at Starbucks as the kids were leaving. The girls all said, 'Bye' and I said, 'Bye.' Then Conner walked by me and said, 'I'm flipping for you.'