AA, Day Three.

Apr 03, 2012 08:05

Angsty April, Day Three.

(Submitted by charliechaplin2)


* Please post your fic in the comment section of this entry first, and then wherever else you like second. If your fic is an angst monster of epic length that would necessitate 5+ comments, you can post a link to your LJ only.

* Please use warnings. I love angst. I breathe angst. But I am too much of a chicken to read certain things over my morning coffee and risk crying my mascara off ten minutes before I have to leave for work. I suspect some of you may feel the same way. Therefore, please post the title of the fic in the comment section first, and then in the very next line, preferably in bold, warnings for character death, rape, violence, suicide, and everything else you might feel the need to warn your angst-loving readers of. If your fic works with a moment of angsty surprise, and you feel that any kind of warning would be a spoiler, please add warning for possibly disturbing content and leave it at that. This also applies for the aforementioned really long fics where you only post the link here.

* Only stories submitted in April count towards the final AA/MM battle tally. So if you want your fic to count in the overall April results, it will have to be posted between April 1st and April 30th and you know, it will have to be ANGSTY and SAD.

* Have fun and break our hearts!


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