A Very Shitenho-ho-hoji Christmas
Day 3
Here's the third installment in the illustrated mistletoe drabble series!
Third Kiss- Incensed
amyusedArtist/Plot Mastermind:
imma_holidayUnsuspecting Couple: Chitose Senri/Ishida Gin
It seemed the height of impurity that mistletoe would be hung here of all places.
Then again, Gin couldn’t really find anything in this situation that wasn’t impure.
The future monk had passed the transfer student on his way through the doorway while Chitose made his way out of the temple. The cloud of acrid stench was initially what made Gin pause before entering as Chitose made to go past him. He’d just opened his mouth to ask why exactly Chitose felt it necessary to light up in the school’s small Buddhist temple, when Chitose stopped him with a surprised, though mellow, “Ah.”
Gin followed the taller boy’s gaze to the rafters. Green, leafy, small white berries. He recalled other such plants hidden around the Shitenhouji campus leading to similar circumstances as this, where his fellow students were forced into... improper behaviour. Chitose looked back down at Gin and twitched an eyebrow up into his frizzy hair.
“Why are you here anyway?” Gin stalled the inevitable, at least long enough to sate his curiosity.
“The insense,” Chitose said breezily, starting to lean toward the other boy, “Good strong smell. Like a blanket, you know? Just covers everything. Every smell. I come here a lot, actually.”
“... Ah,” Gin knew Chitose could be found just about everywhere on campus, so really the fact that he was in the temple shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. Gin decided that the surprise inherent in this sort situation must have unbalanced his thought process. Or it could be the incense. Or the pot.
That didn’t matter as much in comparison to what Gin now had to do. That much was clear. There would be no turning back. He would be strong. He would not waver. Gin mentally chanted to steel himself as Chitose’s face inched closer and closer... God, Chitose smelled really bad...
~To be continued~