The second week of the Shitenhouji Trivia Challenge!
Last week's question post is now closed to new comments.
For all of the rules and prize information, please refer back to the
initial post! If you have any questions, feel free to contact either me or
Here are last week's answers!
Answers to last week's questions:
Level 1) What is the name of Tooyama Kintarou's signature tennis move?
-Super Ultra Great Delicious Daisharin Yama-arashi
(Points were given for both “Giant Swing” and “All-Out” as translations of “Daisharin” (大車輪) as the same kanji can mean either. However, half a point was deducted if you forgot to include any part of name, as Kin-chan says the entire thing when he uses it.)
Level 2) What junior high school did Chitose Senri used to attend?
-Shishigaku Jr. High in Kyuushuu
Level 3) What did the Shitenhouji tennis team do for the culture festival the year before they appear in the series?
-Crossdressing cafe
Level 4) In what year was the Shitenhouji school founded?
And this week's questions!
Week 2:
Level 1) What school did Shitenhouji play before Seigaku in the Nationals?
Level 2) Who is taller, Hitouji Yuuji or Konjiki Koharu?
Level 3) According to Musical Prince of Tennis, what is the name of Shiraishi's pet cat?
Level 4) Who is the principal of Shitenhouji?
I can tell you now that you guys are doing amazingly!! I worry that we’re going to have a tie for top prizes between practically everyone in the comm. XD Only I don’t really worry, since if all participants get all the questions right, then everyone gets prizes and it’s all cool. XD
Good luck and have fun!!