Title: "Tell Him About It"
Pairing: Sigurd/Hyuga
Fandom: Xenogears
Song: "Tell her about it.." by Billy Joel.
Notes: This is something a bit.. I guess sappy. I behaved perhaps unpardonably.. and for that I'm sorry, so I decided to just pop off something that would be meaninful. The one it is intended for will surely understand.
"Listen boy,
It's not automatically a certain guarentee.
To ensure yourself, you gotta communicate constantly
When you love someone,
You're always insecure..
And there's only one good way to reassure."
There were times when Hyuga Ricdeau got jealous, it was just because it so happened that the Element of Fire was extremely popular, both with the ladies and the gentleman. Of course he knew he didn't have to worry about the opposite gender, he had sort of gotten used to the fact that girls just latched onto Sigurd, and he was okay with that perhaps because he decided that it wasn't a threat. The girls were more inclined to come over and drag him out shopping. That was perfectly acceptable in his mind's eyes. Granted he knew that the double standard shouldn't exist but it did.. and it unfortunately reared it's ugly head during those moments when he just saw a hand touch, even advertantly. Such things made Hyuga angry. More at himself then anything because somehow he started imagining his Sigurd in another guy's heart and bed and that turned the green eyed monster on. The thing was that he didn't want to imagine that, but after a while that was all that he could think of. A person that was usually cool and collected and yet surfacing another of water's deadly sins, it was the stigma of jealousy, the harshest of the emotional traits that was given to him, and yet it cooled underneath the surface so that he'd forget about it until suddenly it was out.
It was that afternoon that he had stalked off, leaving Sigurd behind in the halls once what he had construed as an intimate look surfaced and then he had to escape before he got utterly biting and nasty. Perhaps he had been a bit brusque, but that was because he wasn't used to dealing with the extremity of that emotion. It was only that evening finally arrived and there was no Sigurd in his room then he realized that it was so terribly lonely without the fire element, and suddenly that absence seemed so much more.. bleak. Almost as if it was an absence that had the potential of being forever.
There were very few things that Hyuga didn't want to imagine, and losing Sigurd to forever was one of them. In that moment he realized how terrible it'd be and he beginning regretting every harsh word, fearing that perhaps in his hotheadedness he had made a harsh utterance into a truth.
Love was a learning process, he knew he wasn't exactly knowledgeable about it.. in fact in the throes of this, he realized that he was very foolish.. not at all as intelligent and rational as he prided himself on. And that the loss of something so intrinsic could cause tears to stream down his cheeks. He begin to wonder if Sigurd was anywhere, if there was absolutely anything that he could do.
Then his desperation tried a different track and he got up from his bed, wiping his tears from his cheeks and then he adopted a resolution that seemed to dry the tears. He knew that he had to go and he had to apologize. For the awarence came over him that it was him who was sharing Sigurd's bed and no one else. And that he needed to act as someone worthy of that love, of the reciever of those kisses. For he was acting shabbily and in no way earning the honor of those kisses.
He grabbed his coat from the door hook on his closet and then set out, he would hunt down Sigurd and he would be the first to apologize, and he would somehow try to mend something that he had blown all out of proportion.
The bigger mistake would be letting this go unresolved.