May 30, 2005 22:56
So today I had tons of fun with the lovely Kendall as usual.
Then I went to see the longest yard with Kinsley it was a great movie, and I had fun being obnoxiously loud when we laughed.
When I got home I was REALLY nice to my mom and tried to lay down with her and stuff cause she was laying in my bed asleep.
I haven't talked to my mom in a few weeks.
It really sucks, because when I do actually talk to her she's bitching me out
Well that's what happened tonight and I lost control of all emotions and just broke down in the middle of the hallway.
I hadn't done a single thing to her but try to be sweet but I still got in trouble because I had a high pitch to my voice.
My grandma recommended stay with my dad for a few days like I did before,
But I think I just might move in with him for a week or two
I don't know I don't like the lack of freedom over there but at least he acts like he cares about me.
And I have NO ONE TO TALK TO about this cause my mom took my cell phone away cause I kept getting text messages and it was pissing her off, I guess that was a good thing though seeing as I felt like smashing the damn thing on the tile to make me feel better...I like to through things
I don't know I'm so fed up and I feel like I only have one god damn friend, and that my mother can't stand me, and that I have no one that fucking loves me in the entire world!
Oh thank god kendall is online!!!