May 02, 2005 02:35
fuck you im bored this is gay aahghg i just wanna get the fuck outa here but no im stuck here cause people are stupid assholes(lack of a more hateful word). Is it just me or is everything and everyone turning to shit and going way downhill? What happened to fuckin human race well the shitbags are gettin scumier and the fuckin scumbags are getting shittier - and i sure know how to pick em' out of a crowd. fredders nikki and casie came by to visit me and seein those kids just makes me wanna get drunk even more, prolly cause weve always partied pretty hard when we get together. it reminds of the summer and goin to the old abandoned battery factory, that place was so fuuckiiin awesome the first i climbed into there i felt at home haha. alll those long summer nights lightin up a huge fire and gettin together like 20 kids all with so much booze and gettin rediculously shitfaced. i remember wanderin arounf that place all drunk finding half used up cans and writin nonsence on the walls. and walkin to the mobil to do line after line of nipp in the bathroom. i cant waittil this summer, i guess its suposed to be my wildest summer cause of graduation but fuk it i just wanna waste it all on nipp and feel numb. maybe im just in a shitty mood cause ive been stuck gettin better and i havent been out since...ya.