May 09, 2005 22:04
Have you ever heard the game called, go insane?
thats the one.
winter came, summers on the verge.
im lookin over at that smooth lane.
am i hesitating. should i merge?
one said the Lords Prayer was less than 50 words.
he was smart. he had his own substitute for Suchness.
we look forward to our world thats in our dreams and musings.
the strangness appears when we never find this same world on 2 occasions.
you have to rely on your immediate perception of the ultimate order.
instead of education. we spend more on smoke and drink.
you want that place dont you?
ideally, everyone should be able to find self-transcendence in some for of pure or applied religion.
o look a place, we say.
be sure and be careful if you go there.
cause the Last Christian, well, he died on a cross.
we should talk less and draw more.
who influenced whom to say what when?
to be enlightened is to be aware, always, of total reality in its immanent otherness.
Our goal is to discover that we have always been where we ought to be.
i look over at my bookmark. its a picture of her.
To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. Just as important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves. for example, how can the sane get to know what it actually feels like to be mad?
to be great is to be misunderstood. now you have an idea of "if" you are.
what if here was Hell.
they are implying us to follow that leader, then be a leader of the next follower. are we God? or is God in us?
now we sit and stare with the flys.
The Intellectual comes along, "Come on people, lets get on with our lives!"
is everybody in?
the ceremony is about to begin.
did you know its possible to remember birth?
did you know we are ruled by T.V.?
remembering stories and memories and leaving them behind. this is what we resort to. or is it?
ask yourself, decide, adapt, now go and experience.
afterall, you wont know whats right or wrong until its all over.
what do you have to lose?
o yeah, thats right. your soul.
i just had a conversation with myself.
all i have learned, all i percieve. is it true?
oooooo, so thats my goal in life?
hmm, interesting.